| - A tile was a decorative adornment for floors and walls. In 2375, Yanas Tigan was eager to show her daughter Ezri Andorian tiles that "a very charming old man" had hand-painted. (DS9: "Prodigal Daughter") According to the script, dialogue should have concluded the anecdote by explaining she had met the man on a trip to the Hovarian Cluster.
- ; A regularly-shaped slab of clay or other material, affixed to cover or decorate a surface, as in a roof-tile, glazed tile, stove tile, etc.
- Tile is a type of Puzzle offered in the Daily Puzzle Delivery System in Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask.
- A Tile is the most important part of a map. A map is built entirely out of tiles, which are little graphics of 32×32 pixels that stick together.
- Prior to the release of the Construction skill in 2006, many players speculated that tiles would be used in player-owned houses; however, they were never given a purpose when the skill was released and remain useless.
- The tile is an object featured in Submachine 1: The Basement, Submachine 4: The Lab, Submachine 9: The Temple and Submachine 10: The Exit.
- Tiles in some rooms of the house may have to be properly regulated such as in the bathroom where dampness can be left behind giving a chance for mold to grow. It is best to remove mold with a strong mold remover for the grout in between the tiles. Tiles come in different sizes, colors and textures. So tiled surfaces can fit into many different styles of decor. They can also serve many different purposes.
- Tiles are the solid floors that can be found in N. They come in a variety of shapes. You can perform a variety of tricks on these to help you move along through the level / map quicker, something highscorers take advantage of. If the ninja falls flat on a tile from too high, he can be killed. However, if he lands on certain tiles (the "1" and "4" tiles mainly, only the "2", "3", "6", and "7" tiles if it isn't from as high of a distance), the ninja can survive.
- A tile is a 10x10 meter region, the smallest building block for an area. Tiles are chosen from the area's tileset, with each tile depicting a different feature of the landscape, such as a road, hill, tree, house, well, rock, water, chasm, or wall.
- As tiles are essentially just a necessary measurement unit for the game engine to work with, tiles in regular gameplay are invisible to the player, and of little cornern, except if effective use of building space is a particular priority. Farms are a good way to determine tile measurement, as they are made up of 4×4 tiles, in turn divided into smaller square plots, which coincide with the invisible tiles, and quite visible in most cases. Other structures might serve as reference objects, too:
- A tile is a generic square with which Chip, monsters and blocks can interact in Chip's Challenge. Tiles have varying functions. The most basic tile is the floor, which any moving object can pass through. Chip himself is a tile that can be controlled by the user, blocks can be moved by Chip to accomplish specific objectives, and monsters are tiles that move and behave differently according to their type. Each tile has a number assigned to it, indicating its index in a tile set. For example, the tile Floor has index 0, Wall has index 1, and the Hint has index 47.
- A tile (called a "square" in the earliest games) is the basic unit of space in all of the games covered by this wiki. Each unit or city or colony sits within a single tile at any one time. Tiles are generally either land or water, but some games have undersea and stratosphere tiles too. In most games tiles are square, but: The "radius" of a city or colony is the set of tiles it can directly exploit (in addition to the tile it sits on): usually the nearest 20 in Civilization games and the nearest 8 in Colonization games.
- A Tile is an item without any apparent use, as the examine text suggests. It can be found at a few spawns near planks in the western-most, eastern-most Wilderness, and at the Deep Wilderness dungeon. Tiles are also a possible drop from zombies. In 2002, it was thought that tiles would be a part of the unimplemented Carpentry skill, which was promised to allow players to build their own houses.