The Unholy Trio series is a series of brickfilms created by Ryan Boyle and starring Colin Boyle, Jason Boyle and Ryan Boyle. The series follows the misadventures of the vampire Count Wiesel, the werewolf Ned and the mummy Mucho-Hotep O'Fiddlesworth the 27th, who share a castle. The first film to star the Unholy Trio, Attack of the Fifty-foot Squirrel, was completed in 2005 but was deemed to be of low quality and was not made available for public viewing until 2007. The first Unholy Trio film released to the public was Video Rental, towards the end of 2006.
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| - The Unholy Trio series is a series of brickfilms created by Ryan Boyle and starring Colin Boyle, Jason Boyle and Ryan Boyle. The series follows the misadventures of the vampire Count Wiesel, the werewolf Ned and the mummy Mucho-Hotep O'Fiddlesworth the 27th, who share a castle. The first film to star the Unholy Trio, Attack of the Fifty-foot Squirrel, was completed in 2005 but was deemed to be of low quality and was not made available for public viewing until 2007. The first Unholy Trio film released to the public was Video Rental, towards the end of 2006.
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No. of installments
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Brickfilm Series Name
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| - *Colin Boyle
*Jason Boyle
*Ryan Boyle
First release
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Created by
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| - L-R: Mucho-Hotep, Ned and Count Wiesel, from Trick or Treat
Latest release
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Watch Now
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| - The Unholy Trio series is a series of brickfilms created by Ryan Boyle and starring Colin Boyle, Jason Boyle and Ryan Boyle. The series follows the misadventures of the vampire Count Wiesel, the werewolf Ned and the mummy Mucho-Hotep O'Fiddlesworth the 27th, who share a castle. The first film to star the Unholy Trio, Attack of the Fifty-foot Squirrel, was completed in 2005 but was deemed to be of low quality and was not made available for public viewing until 2007. The first Unholy Trio film released to the public was Video Rental, towards the end of 2006.