| - In order to compete on Total Drama Island, Total Drama: Revenge of the Island, and Total Drama: Pahkitew Island, potential contestants have to send in audition tapes. They are first seen on Teletoon's official website the day after a new episode of Total Drama Island premieres, and shows the audition tape of the camper eliminated in that episode. All of them can now be seen on Cartoon Network's official website. Each tape would be shown immediately after a contestant's elimination. Due to this, Gwen, Owen, Shawn, and Sky are the only contestants whose audition tapes have not been shown, due to neither actually being eliminated in Total Drama Island or Total Drama: Pahkitew Island. Although, a clip from Sky's is shown in Lies, Cries and One Big Prize. Sierra, Blaineley, and Alejandro do not have an audition tape either, due to making their debut in Total Drama World Tour. The audition tapes are shown in the season one DVD as an extra (called "cast interviews"). Izzy's video with Chris is also included in the set. Some auditions, such as Courtney's and Tyler's are left out for unknown reasons; possibly because they are already seen in TDI Rundown.