| - Pieter was a male Ming Po who served as Chieftain of a Ming Po town on the planet Carlac. During the Clone Wars, the Mandalorian Death Watch group made a base on Carlac and began bullying and kidnapping villagers from Pieter's town, greatly angering him. In an attempt to save his people, Pieter confronted Pre Vizsla, the leader of the Death Watch. Vizsla attempted to kill Pieter for his insolence, but the Chieftain's granddaughter Tryla sacrificed herself to save her grandfather. The Mandalorians then set the Ming Po town ablaze, but the Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano and her friend Lux Bonteri saved Pieter and his people.
- Pieter was a former member of the Shadowlands division of the Resistance.
- After having just joined the clan, Pieter let his curiosity get the better of him and tasted Jautya's birthday cake, made for him by his alien friends (Embolt is an amazing cook). Thanks to a radical treatment, he may just survive but his genes will be forever altered... But as a result, he can now use Jautya's genetically locked weapons. Nice one, Pieter!
- Pieter era el jefe de una aldea Ming Po en Carlac y un anciano que odiaba la intrusivas e intimidantes maneras de la Guardia de la Muerte y el sometimiento de su pueblo. Valientemente se enfrenta a Pre Vizsla para pedirle que se marche y deje regresar a su pueblo, sin embargo, el cruel Pre Vizsla tenía otros planes. Trato de matar a Pieter con su Sable oscuro, pero en cambio mató a su nieta, Tryla, cuando ella se sacrificó. Murio a Manos de Grievous por que el se rehuso para hacer esclavo durante la Batalla de Carlac.
- thumb|right|225px|Pieter in 2017Pieter (1996) is een Nederlands muzikant en horecawerker, en de huidige piepgeluidenmaker bij de Piepgeluidjesband. Hij richtte de band op in 2007, en op een pauze van een jaar na bleef hij bij ze tot ze ermee stopten in 2011. De band ging echter weer door in juli 2011 maar zou tot eind 2016 niets meer met Pieter ondernemen omdat hij dat zelf niet wilde. Hoewel, ze hebben in die tussenliggende jaren altijd de stille hoop gehouden om toch weer met hem samen te werken. Uiteindelijk keerde Pieter in november 2016 terug naar de band en was dat jaar nog te horen op de Gratis Energy EP.
- Pieter, (previously Host Pieter) is a RuneScape player who has 5.4b total experience and is currently ranked #57 in the overall hiscores. Also known to be the brother of Segers.
- He first appears in the mission "Written in Stone" along with his father Nicholaas. Pieter runs away from his father to fight with a pistol he was given for protection. While on the run, he manages to ambush and kill several Germans in his path. Baker then sees him from the roof of the Philips factory and has to protect him with a sniper rifle. After a long and tiresome shoot-out, Baker finds him in the toy shop where he tells him that he's on his side. Pieter then hugs him and Baker takes him to his father in "Reunion".