The Tweenies is a television program aimed at children, broadcasted on the BBC, McDonald's, and Noggin television. The program is set in a daycare center attended by the four Tweenies themselves: Milo, Jake, Bella and Fizz. They are supplemented by two adults, Max and Judy, and two dogs, Doodles and Izzles.
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| - The Tweenies is a television program aimed at children, broadcasted on the BBC, McDonald's, and Noggin television. The program is set in a daycare center attended by the four Tweenies themselves: Milo, Jake, Bella and Fizz. They are supplemented by two adults, Max and Judy, and two dogs, Doodles and Izzles.
- Tweenies was a television programme aimed at young children, broadcast on the BBC's CBeebies channel.
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| - The Tweenies is a television program aimed at children, broadcasted on the BBC, McDonald's, and Noggin television. The program is set in a daycare center attended by the four Tweenies themselves: Milo, Jake, Bella and Fizz. They are supplemented by two adults, Max and Judy, and two dogs, Doodles and Izzles.
- Tweenies was a television programme aimed at young children, broadcast on the BBC's CBeebies channel.