| - Η ονομασία " " σχετίζεται ετυμολογικά με την λέξη "[[ ]]".
- Mechs have the option of Capture while on a neutral or enemy building. Selecting capture makes the Mech begin to take over the building. All buildings have 20 Points which must be removed before they become allied. A Mech takes 1 Point per HP that they have (So a Mech on 10 HP will take 10 Points at a time). Certain COs, such as Sami, can affect the rate which Mech capture a building.
- Mechs were either wheel vehicles, tanks, modified domesticated animals or robotic walkers that tried to imitate animals, mainly developed by the late Republic and later by the Galactic Empire. Mechs were both assault units and transports of infantry. Known mechs have been the AAT, the AT-ST. Animals such as Fambaas were used in war instead of mechs by some races.
- From Proto-Slavic *mъxъ < Proto-Indo-European *meus-
- Mechs are similar to Lasers, but they are mobile.
- See Mechanized Infantry
- Most of it was built by Zack, but your Poptropican has to help finish building it. You can only use it on Steamworks Island. It is missing two parts-the Mech Crank and the Mech Steam Motor. Once you fix it you will receive a Teleporter that will teleport you to wherever the Mech is (provided you are still on Steamworks Island). You can then attach the Weed Whacker and start killing plants with it. Later, you must attach the Toxic Blaster and use it to kill the Plant Monster Brains.
- MECH is a 2016 drama brickfilm by Benjamin Ely. It was created for 2016 Twenty-Four-Hour-Animation-Contest and ultimately won first place.
- M.E.C.H. is a terrorist organization led by Leland "Silas" Bishop. Their goal is to establish a new world order through the aquisition of highly advanced weapons of mass destruction. After learning of the Transformers existence, their goal is to use the technology of their Cybertronian robotic bodies to create their own Transformers under their control.
- Special Part(s): Mech is a Common class mod for the Enforcer manufactured by Hyperion.
- Sergeant "Mech" is a Mobile Infantry Elite Trooper sergeant and explosives specialist from the Roughnecks A-01 Team.
- Официальный сайт | Официальный форум | E-mail адрес клана - mech-clan@mail.ru Кара Императора неизбежна! ]MECH[ -- единственный сугубо игровой клан комьюнити. Цель клана ]MECH[ - полная гегемония на просторах ГСА-ресталищ. Легаты клана концентрируются на игровых тренировках и улучшении своих игровых навыков. Мы всегда рады вступлению легатов, проявляющих желание, упорство и способность учиться и, разумеется, готовы обучить новых карателей всему, что знаем сами (ну, или почти всему). Кроме того, всем членам клана предоставляется соц. пакет и бесплатные обеды по чётным числам.
- Waffen-Special:Burst Waffen-Upgrades: 4 Level Armor-Upgrades: 4 Level
- The Mechs are a type of enemy ARKS face in the Desert, Underworks, and Quarry fields of Lillipa. They are mechanized security constructs, which have fallen influence to the Darker influence as other enemies have in Phantasy Star Online 2. All Mechs are weak to File:Lightning attribute PSO2 icon.png Bolt without exception.
- The Mech suits used in Galactic Federation Marine Corps missions resemble the armor worn by Marines in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, although their proportions are much stockier. They can be upgraded and customized by collecting MODs during missions, which can then be selected before each mission in the Team Toolkit. Marines can choose from Support, Offense or Assist items, making each marine into a "healer, warrior or wizard" similar to classes in an RPG game. The suits have Missile icons on them, which may represent the equipment that soldier is carrying, and color-coded visors.
- Mech – z punktu widzenia szalonych nauczycieli biologii: gąbczaste placki porozrzucane to tu, to tam. Tak naprawdę jednak, są to wysoko rozwinięte organizmy, chcące w niedługim czasie przejąć kontrolę nad ludzkimi mózgami.
- Mech or Mecha is a term used in science fiction to identify a large robot.
- Over the years both G.I. Joe and Cobra have developed many types of mech armor, to do battle both with each other, and the Transformers. The Autobots and Decepticons have resisted giving humans access to their technology, so most mech armor is developed by humans alone.
- Mech (plural form of "Mechs") are defined as "walking vehicles controlled by a pilot, often appearing in science fiction or other genres involving a fantastic or futuristic element." The word "mech" is short for "mechanical." Due to the fact that the word "mech" is incorporated into the old name of "MechScape", the fact that Jagex job advertisements for included descriptions about vehicle graphics being designed and that images of what look like mechs have been found, it is very likely that mecha were to be included in the game.
- Mechas are what the game is about, every character in MechQuest owns at least one mecha. Your mecha is a giant battle machine that is used to fight in MechQuest, you can arm it with a head, a front arm, a back arm, a front shoulder, a back shoulder and a body weapon. Not every mech can use all these places for weapons. For example, some can't use the front shoulder, some can't use the body and so on. it all depends on your mech.