| - The Forgotten Realms is a crew that basks in the joy of pillaging on the high seas of the Viridian Ocean. Although a relatively small crew, there are many distinguished and respected members of the Viridian who call her theirs. Image:Crew.png Arr! This article about a crew in Puzzle Pirates be a stub. Ye can help YPPedia by [ expanding it].
- Eintrag im WikiIndex ansehen Kategorie:Projektbeschreibungen Das Wikia wurde zum Projekt des Monats im Juli 2008 gewählt. Über 1.300 Artikel (Stand: 10.09.2010)
- 포가튼 릴름즈(Forgotten Relams)는 AD&D시절부터 오랫동안 사랑받아 온 모험 무대로서, 넓게는 아비어-토릴(Abeir-Toril) 행성을, 좁게는 그 행성 위에 있는 대륙 중 하나인 페이룬(Faerun)을 가리킨다. 오래도록 높은 인기를 누린 덕에 D&D시리즈의 캠페인 세팅 중에서 보조 서적이 가장 많이 출간된 세계가 되었다. 방대하고 상세하며, 다양한 세부설정이 준비되어 있는 반면 국제 정세의 역동성은 덜한, 모험물의 무대로 적당한 세계이다. 세계 설정이 축적되는 만큼 고레벨 NPC 관련 데이터도 여럿 쌓여 종종 다른 캠페인 세팅에 비해 하이파워 지향적이라고 인식된다.
- The realm is anything but forgotten. Oh true?
- Forgotten Realms on roolipelien kampanjamaailma, joka on tarkoitettu Dungeons & Dragons -roolipeliä varten. Sen pääasiallinen suunnittelija on Ed Greenwood. Varsinaisen roolipelikampanjan lisäksi Forgotten Realms -maailman pohjalta on laadittu lukuisia romaaneja sekä useita tietokonepelejä, joista viimeaikaisia tunnettuja esimerkkejä ovat mm. Baldur's Gate-sarja, Icewind Dale-sarja sekä Neverwinter Nights. Varsin useita romaaneista on suomennettu. Kuuluisimpia Forgotten Realms -romaanien kirjoittajia ovat Ed Greenwood, R. A. Salvatore ja Elaine Cunningham.
- The Kingdoms in the Realms during its golden age used to get along but also sometimes trick or force other nations out of their land. The biggest example of this is when Saqqara (HM King Declan I of Moylurg) attacked Thebes (HM King Kieran of Thebes) and deposed his Kingdom and took his and his peoples lands.
- frame|Forgotten Realms LogoForgotten Realms é um mundo de fantasia composto por vários elementos, que determinam sua existência característica. São estes conceitos, semelhantes aos encontrados em nossa realidade, que mostram o desenvolvimento e as diferenças culturais entre os povos de Abeir Toril, mundo no qual o cenário se desenvolve. Além dos jogos eletrônicos e de rpg, vários livros foram escritos utilizando esse universo.
- The Forgotten Realms, also known as the Forgotten Worlds, are the former homes of the Dragons from the Dragon Realms, making its first appearance in Spyro: Year of the Dragon. It later made a reappearance in Spyro: Shadow Legacy.
- According to the setting's creators, Forgotten Realms is the name of an imaginary fantasy world that exists somewhere beyond the real world. The setting is described as a world of strange lands, dangerous creatures, and mighty deities, where magic and seemingly supernatural phenomena are quite real. The premise is that, long ago, the Earth and the world of the Forgotten Realms were more closely connected. As time passed, the inhabitants of planet Earth have mostly forgotten about the existence of that other world—hence the term Forgotten Realms. On the original Forgotten Realms logo, which was used until 2000, small runic letters read "Herein lie the lost lands", an allusion to the connection between the two worlds.
- The Forgotten Realms is the fictional setting where all of Baldur's Gate is set. The realms contain continents such as Faerûn and Kara-Tur and is home to many races such as Humans, Elves and Dwarves.
- Many years ago, a RP game was created to be played on a TABLE rather than on a Computer. I am proud to put the legendary land of the Forgotten Realms as my Guild on Rushu. Leader : Angelic-Blood Second in Command : Angelic-Age Andelic-Doll In order to be in my GUILD, you need to be LVL 10+, and very active and friendly. I would also love if you play or know of the game Dungeons & Dragons Angelic-Blood, The next KING of the CITY of Oakwood :)
- Forgotten Realms is the Dungeons & Dragons campaign setting that takes place on the world of Toril, especially the subcontinent of Faerûn.
- right|thumb|Логотип Forgotten Realms (вторая редакция) Forgotten Realms (русс. Забытые Королевства) — сеттинг для ролевой игры Dungeons & Dragons, разработанный канадским писателем и игровым дизайнером Эдом Гринвудом (Ed Greenwood). Этот сеттинг был самым популярным сеттингом D&D в 90-х. В деле популяризации Forgotten Realms большие заслуги принадлежат серии романов Р. Сальваторе и многочисленным компьютерным ролевым играм, таким как: Pool of Radiance и Baldur's Gate. Основное место действия сеттинга — континент Фэйрун, часть подобной Земле планеты Ториль.
- thumb|250px|right|Логотип Forgotten Realms (третья редакция) thumb|250px|right|Логотип Forgotten Realms (вторая редакция) Forgotten Realms (Забытые Королевства) — сеттинг для ролевой игры Dungeons & Dragons (D&D), созданный канадским писателем и разработчиком игр Эдом Гринвудом. Королевства стали самым популярным из миров D&D в 1990-е благодаря серии романов Роберта Сальваторе, а также компьютерным играм Pool of Radiance и Baldur's Gate. Наибольшее внимание в сеттинге уделяется огромному континенту под названием Фэйрун, части планеты Абер-Торил.
- The Forgotten Realms is a fictional setting created by author and game designer Ed Greenwood for the Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) role-playing game. It is based very loosely on Europe in the Middle Ages, with a fair number of large and cosmopolitan cities scattered throughout the realms, some as capitals of larger kingdoms but many as independent city-states forging their own destiny. Most action in the Forgotten Realms takes place on the supercontinent Faerûn of the planet Toril, and many publications regarding the Forgotten Realms are really specifically about Faerûn. As this setting has become the official setting endorsed by Wizards of the Coast, it is the only setting permitted for the official campaigns and most premium modules (the first batch of premium modules—Witch's Wake, ShadowGuar
- It's that one place... you know, the place, where you met that one guy... Damn, I can't remember. Therefore, instead of remembering what the Forgotten Realms are, I shall unforget it. Remembering and unforgetting are totally different. The Forgotten Realms, primarily, are one of approximately 0.03 things on Illogicopedia that do not, I repeat, do not have anything to do with cheese in any way, shape, or form. Found behind my washing machine, it is the birthplace of the Evil Robot Clones and the main dining room for Them.
- The Forgotten Realms is a fantasy setting created by author and game designer Ed Greenwood for the Dungeons and Dragons role-playing game. Most action in the Forgotten Realms takes place in Faerûn, which is part of the world of Abeir-Toril. It was originally created in 1967 as a setting for short stories by Greenwood, but it has since become the most enduring campaign setting for Dungeons & Dragons.
- Forgotten Realms is a campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game, created by author and game designer Ed Greenwood. Commonly referred to as simply The Realms, it became the most popular setting with D & D players. The primary focus of the setting is the continent of Faerûn, part of the world of Abeir-Toril, an Earth-like planet with many real world influences. In the Planescape and Spelljammer settings, The Forgotten Realms setting is part of a larger universe that also includes Greyhawk and Dragonlance. Series that are set in the Forgotten Realms include:
- It was originally created in 1967 as a setting for short stories by Ed Greenwood, but it has since become one of the most enduring campaign settings for D&D. The primary focus of the setting is the continent of Faerûn, part of the world of Abeir-Toril, an Earth-like planet with certain obvious influences and similarities from the real world and fantasy fiction.
- The Forgotten Realms is a campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) fantasy role-playing game, created by Canadian author and game designer Ed Greenwood. Commonly referred to as simply The Realms, it became the most popular setting with D&D gamers in the 1990s, boosted by the success of novels by authors such as R. A. Salvatore and numerous computer role-playing games such as Pool of Radiance and Baldur's Gate. The primary focus of the setting is the continent of Faerûn, part of the world of Abeir-Toril, an Earth-like planet with many real world influences.