| - The Soviet Union invaded Finland on the 30th of November 1939 until the 13th of March 1940. The Soviets attacked with a total 998,100 men and the Finns attacked with 337,000 to 346,500 men. After Joseph Stalin's Great Purge, there was a lack of experienced officers in the Red Army, limiting his ability to capture the country. As proven time again, the Finns defending their homeland against a foreign invader by putting up a significant resistance. The Finns also had sufficient knowledge of their terrain and used tactics such as ski's to outmaneuver and flank their enemies. Despite these obstacles, the Soviets succeeded in capturing much of the country. However, it was only after they took massive casualties.
- The Winter War was a small, short, and relatively bloodless conflict between Kaedwen and Redania in 1272. The crossing of Kestrel Mountains by the Redanian royal army began the conflict. The combatants of the conflict depend on choices made during chapter II of The Witcher 2 but the outcome is in Redania's favor under all circumstances.
- The Winter War was the last war the Nezumi participated in as a whole race.
- The Winter War of 1999 - 2005 was a war between Angry Birds (Finland) and Tetris (Soviet Union). It is considered to be one of the most crucial moments in Finland's recent history.
- The Winter War was a conflict in The North fought between the forces of House Baratheon under Stannis Baratheon, House Bolton and various other houses of the North loyal to House Stark. It was fought between the years 300 - 302 AC and was part of the larger War of the Five Kings. The Winter War ended with the restoration of House Stark in Winterfell under Rickon Stark with the establishment of Wyman Manderly as Lord Regent.
- The Winter War is an annual military exercise, a traditional mock-battle, that takes place at Tentir. In Jame's time, it takes place during the Bound in Blood. It is essentially a real-life version of the Kencyr strategy game Gen.
- The Winter War (Finnish: Talvisota, Swedish: Vinterkriget, Russian: Зимняя война, also known as the Soviet-Finnish War or the Russo-Finnish War) began when the Soviet Union attacked Finland on November 30, 1939, three months after the invasion of Poland by Germany and the Soviet Union that started World War II. Because the attack was judged as illegal, the Soviet Union was expelled from the League of Nations on December 14. Soviet leader Josef Stalin had expected to conquer the whole country by the end of 1939, but Finnish resistance frustrated the Soviet forces, who outnumbered the Finns 4:1 in men, 100:1 in tanks and 30:1 in aircraft. Finland held out until March 1940, when the Moscow Peace Treaty was signed ceding about 10% of Finland's territory (excluding its population) and 20% of it