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- Inspiration is a rule the Dungeon Master can use to reward you for playing your character in a way that’s true to his or her personality traits, ideal, bond, and flaw.By using inspiration, you can draw on your personality trait of compassion for the downtrodden to give you an edge in negotiating with the Beggar Prince.Or inspiration can let you call on your bond to the defense of your home village to push past the effect of a spell that has been laid on you.
- Artist:DKC Crew BPM: 147 Genre: Dance First Appeared On: DanceDanceRevolution X Length: 1:43 Difficulty: SP: 3/5/7/9 DP: 4/6/9
- Inspiration is the fuel of all creative drives in the multiverse. Without it, all forms of life have been shown to die out through evolutionary selection through lack of advancement and biodiversity, except that of an Ideal World. To prevent this, chains of Inspiration Stations, like Calell, Inspira, Sheso and Estex exist throughout the multiverse to refuel any life-form that may be running low and therefore at risk of death by tedium. It should be noted that inspiration is a vital ingredient in the production of bookahol. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Inspiration is a Year 1 comedy film.
- Inspiration increases HIT, ATK, Max HP, boosts all stats and provides special immunities for a certain duration. HP and SP is continuously decreased while this skill is active; reaching 0 SP will automatically cancel Inspiration. Attacking or using Offensive Skills will also deal 1% of the damage to the user. Activating Inspiration requires 1% of the experience required for the next level; if 1% is not available, the skill will not cast (At Level 150, 1 million EXP is required for each cast and the amount of EXP you have can be checked on the Character Select screen).
- Alton Brown and the Chairman welcome the remaining five chefs to Las Vegas and present them with a test of inspiration. World-champion pastry chef Jean-Philippe Maury meets the contestants in a pastry kitchen with his dessert showpiece collection and reveals chocolate as their secret ingredient. The contenders must then create a wedding-worthy chocolate dessert. For the Chairman's Challenge, the chefs prepare a buffet inspired by the modern Las Vegas surroundings.
- Inspiration is what people have to live for, something to aspire to, Without Inspiration, we'd have no goals. Inspiration was one of Barack Obama's 3 "weapons" (tools) in the 2008 US presidential election.
- Inspiration was removed in an update on 18 September 2017 as part of a significant update to the Invention skill.
- Unter Inspiration (von lat.: inspiratio „Beseelung“, Einhauchen von spiritus „Leben, Seele, Geist“) versteht man allgemeinsprachlich eine Eingebung, etwa einen unerwarteten Einfall oder einen Ausgangspunkt künstlerischer Kreativität. Begriffsgeschichtlich liegt die Vorstellung zugrunde, dass einerseits Werke von Künstlern, andererseits religiöse Überlieferungen Eingebungen des (nicht notwendig personal verstandenen) Göttlichen seien - eine Vorstellung, die sich sowohl in vorderorientalischen Religionen wie auch bei vorsokratischen Philosophen findet und dann eine breite Wirkungsgeschichte entfaltet.
- Inspiration bezeichnet eine kreative Leistung, neue Ideeen hervorzubringen. Während der Zeit im Hutet-Arbeitslager ist Li Nalas eine Inspiration für andere Mitgefangene und das alles, weil er als Mitglied des Widerstands einen Cardassianer in Unterhosen tötet. (DS9: )
- Wird Inspiration als Primärpfad gewählt, so kann folgende weiterführende Auswahl getroffen werden:
* Vom Runenpfad der Inspiration:
* Eine Rune des Schlüsselrunen-Triplett
* Drei Runen aus den geringfügigeren Tripletts(jeweils eine pro Triplett)
* Von einem der anderen 4 Pfade:
* Zwei Runen von den geringfügigeren Tripletts(maximal eine pro Triplett) Zudem wird der Merkmalsbonus 1.
* Weiterleitung Kategorie:Runenvorlagen gewährt.
- Inspiration is a merit job trait from Final Fantasy XI. It can be obtained by Rune Fencers at Level 75. It adds a Fast Cast effect to Ward: Vallation and Ward:Valliance.
- Gradually restores lost energy to allies allowing them to continue the fight.
- This page will tell you why we are building this wiki.
* Audio documentary produced by American Radio Works called " The Few Who Stayed". Listen to it here. Highly recommended
* Overview of the events in Sudan
* Scroll down to the Pictures section.
* Long list of Darfur related Multimedia
- INSPIRATION (Level 1): Comrades of the user of this Gift are refreshed in combat. NATIVE TO: Ahroun
- Inspiration (戦闘指揮 Sentō Shiki, lit. Battle Command in the Japanese version) is a Skill in Fire Emblem Fates.
- Inspiration is a Tier 5 Light power in the Support tree.
- "Inspiration" is a song performed by Gipsy Kings, recorded on the album Gipsy Kings in 1988. The song appeared in the Miami Vice episode "World of Trouble".
- Inspiration (集気法 Shuukihou?, "Collection Spirit Method") and Spirit Circulation (集気砲 Shuukihou?, "Collection Spirit Cannon") are some of the few self-healing strike artes in the Tales series.
- Craig McCracken got the inspiration for Foster's when he and his wife, Lauren Faust, who is also a regular writer for the show, adopted two dogs from a shelter. They wondered what life was like for the dogs before they were adopted.
- Inspiration is a novice-level Illusion spell in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. It increases the target's confidence and willingness to attack enemies for 20 seconds.
- Myth, folklore, tales of true heroes - the heart of Roberta Williams' storytelling genius. We've gathered together a few resources offering more information on the components that turn stories into legends: Encyclopedia Mythica an on-line encyclopedia on mythology, folklore, mysticism, and more. Folklore and Mythology Electronic Texts edited and/or translated by D. L. Ashliman Folktales from around the world, especially from those good storytellers in Scotland and England. Compiled at the University of California/Davis.
- Inspiration is a light bulb shaped pick-up in de Blob 2. Blob can collect these and use them to upgrade himself. He can be upgraded so that he can carry more lives and shields, have more paint points (health) and decrease the amount of paint points it takes to charge through walls. Pinky can also be upgraded to have more paint points (although, unless there is a second player controlling Pinky, Inspiration shouldn't be wasted upgrading her). Also each Inspiration collected will also count towards the final score at the end of a level.
- Inspiration is divine guidance that comes through the promptings of the Holy Ghost. It is the most common form of revelation bestowed by God. Worthy members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or Mormons, receive the gift of the Holy Ghost through the laying on of hands after baptism. This constant companionship of the Holy Ghost enables the worthy member to receive inspiration in his personal life, family life, business, and church callings. The Holy Ghost, however, can inspire men of all religions at any time, since all are God's children.
- You know those long, involved ritual creepypastas, the ones that involve a million different steps, the ones where if you breathe at the wrong second you die? Ever wonder who figured it out? It couldn’t have been trial and error - you don’t get a second try at something like that. The answer’s actually pretty simple. Nobody figured it out. He already knew. There’s… an entity, I suppose you could call it, although I always think of it as a him. A little boy, to be exact. He seems to enjoy playing around with people, you see. But, of course, there are catches. How did I learn all this, you ask?
- Inspiration is written in a 4/4 time signature. It is comprised of series of brief eight measure "sections" that are driven by the song's characteristic piano chords. The track starts out with seven mysterious whole note piano chords (string chords in the older version). The piano then begins a series of slow ascending eighth notes while repeating the previous chords in synchronization. Afterwards, the piano pauses briefly while a harpsicord picks up the eighth notes one more time and ends the statement with a half note concert A.
- A line from Atul’s diary struck a chord – What’s so cool about free software ? . Till now all the activity that has been done across the country (the roadshows, the install fests, the demos and the LinuxAsias) have been based on the premise that FLOSS is cool and the devotees will flock to the temple. When we talk about FLOSS in education, perhaps it is worth a second look towards how we go about it ?
- If you listen to a or watch an Entertainer inside a structure, you get "inspired". The longer you watch or listen the longer you can profit from the "inspiration buff". Inspiration buffs are an inherent, passive ability that all Entertainers have while they are entertaining. There is a general inspiration buff, and there are different types of specialized inspiration buffs, each giving different benefits depending on the profession of the character on which the buff is applied. Maximum duration for a buff is 5hours and 30minutes. The inspiration icon displays the remaining time on the buff.
- Es ist dunkel um mich herum. Die einzige Lichtquelle, und so ziemlich das einzige was ich in meinem Zimmer sehen kann, ist der Monitor vor mir. Eine Office-Datei ist geöffnet, und bereits anderthalb Seiten habe ich füllen können. Ich versuche mich von Zeit zu Zeit an Kurzgeschichten, Fanfictions und solchem Kram. Und nein, ich rede hierbei nicht von irgendwelchen absurden Youtuber-Liebesgeschichten, die weder Erzähl- noch Storytechnisch irgendetwas zu bieten haben. Aber egal. Ich habe vor einiger Zeit ein Projekt gestartet, eine längere Geschichte, mit vielen Kapiteln. Den ersten Teil konnte ich vor kurzem erfolgreich abschließen, doch ich habe einfach keine guten Ideen für den zweiten Teil, obwohl ich gerade diesen ganz groß angekündigt hatte. Ich versuche es, dunkle das Zimmer ab, höre p
- This ability can inspire several things in others, and also in oneself. It can inspire heroism, courage, selflessness and self-sacrifice. It can inspire hard work and ingenious ideas, or creativity and artistic skill. It can even inspire someone into discovering the solution to their problem, or discovering a new ability in themselves. When the ability is used, it can sometimes show as a golden light which strikes the person being inspired, then fades, though this doesn't always occur. Laurie has used the ability to inspire her triplet Lola into identifying two new abilities, to inspire two Company agents to remember their plan when the villain they were targeting was making them forget it, and to inspire herself into coming up with a new strategy when attacked by that villain. Sam first u
- Inspiration is the "resource" that allows a Bard to compose plays and poems. It can be gathered from either people or places and, when gathered, it shows up as an item in your inventory. These items are known as themes and come in many different types, as shown in the list below. The places where the inspiration is gathered affect the themes received, such as gathering in Tavern is more likely to give Art or Food and Drink, in Docks — Sky and Stars or Foreign Lands, etc. Themes are required to write poems and plays, different types of poetry and plays require a certain number of themes.
- Can't think of what to draw? Do what I've done, draw a painting or drawing you really like, or draw from a photograph. That's limiting, but there are plenty of images on the internet to explore. Or learn about a new place or subject by reading magazines or books. I found out about two great sources for drawing material, the Gateway of India and Castello Odescalchi. And I learned about these places by reading a magazine. --Hrodulf 23:08, 19 January 2007 (UTC)