| - A synth manufacturer based in El Segundo, CA USA, known mostly for its analog monophonic synths, and particularly its Moog emulations. Studio Electronics was one of the few manufacturers to continue carrying the analog subtractive synthesis banner through the all-digital era of the early 1990s. The company started out in 1981 doing repair services. In the late 1980s, it developed a line of business of re-packaging existing synths in the then-new rackmount format; its most popular product in this era was the Midimoog, a repackaging of the Minimoog that added MIDI capability to that venerable synth. The company introduced its first all-in-house design, the SE-1, in 1994. Since then, it has introduced a number of analog monophonic models, all in the rackmount format. It introduced its first polyphonic model, the Omega8, in 1999. Studio Electronics designs are noted for remaining true to analog audio signal design and all-discrete audio signal paths, but adding modern microprocessor-based control features. A notable feature of many of their models is the plug-in filter modules; they provide modules that reproduce the filter circuits from many popular analog synths of the 1970s and 80s, including the Minimoog transistor ladder, the ARP 4075 filter, and the CS80 filter.