| - Sonatath, as the planet was originally called, was discovered in the 24th century by Sathraists seeking refuge from persecution (possibly the precursors to House Masseri?). The Zaibatsus discovered the world only 20 years after Sathraists. The two groups fought over the world and not surprisingly the Zaibatsus won. The Sathraists fled and were never heard from again. Under the Zaibatsus, the world was first purchased by Rames Solid Ventures, who exploited the mineral wealth and zoological diversity. Eventually they would become House Ramses. House Ramses was destroyed almost right away by corporations, which lead to a break down of the civil order into chaos. The world changed hands dozens of times over the next thousand years until 3293, when House O'Niell used nuclear bombs to defend against a Li Halan invasion. The resulting nuclear winter wiped out nearly all natural life. It was on Cadavaus that Zebulon fought the antinomist Durargo in Chroniculae III, 6:12-18. As a result of this, many religious fanatics flocked to the world to fight the evil, but ended up fighting each other instead, forcing then ruling House Koprul to flee. During Second Republic, the world was ruled by the Criticorum based Bashshar Corporation, making it an al-Malik world. Bashshar attempted to repair the ecological damage, but also introduced massive mining operations and heavy industrialization. At end of Second Republic, worker revolts and brutal corporate repression was common, until finally a workers revolution succeeded and declared the world a communist state. At the end of the Second Republic, the world's sun began to fade. Repeated al-Malik attempts to reclaim the world failed, but Decados eventually succeeded in taking it. The revolts continued, but rebels sealed jumpgate before Decados reinforcement could arrive. Cadavus was a lost world for only 70 years, but it was long enough for the terraforming engines to be ruined beyond repair, as were the industries and infrastructure, etc. House Aviz was first to purchase the jumproute from the Charioteers, but quickly lost it to invading House Trusnikron. A renewed pattern of conquest and reconquest lasted for several hundred years until finally, in 4272, the Church declared the nobles were unfit to rule Cadavus and the then Hazat overlords were forced to leave by the Church as rulership fell unto the Church. The Church declared polar regions as off-limits to human settlement (only recently lifted in the 50th century for the benefit of House Masseri). The Church ruled for 200 years, but the livlihood of the populace had been taken away when the polar regions were evacuated. Once again, social unrest, revolts, crime and poverty reappeared, and the Church turned the world over to the Li Halan in desparation. After Halvor Li Halan, the world was turned over to the regency, and many different houses ruled over the world according to who was regent at any given time. Because of the temporary rulership during the regency, each owner raped the remaining resources rather then focus on sustainable development. The Decados took over rulership in 4969 after invading to destroy Hawkwood terrorists that had firebombed the Transvaalite Palace on Severus. Since taking over, Decados have introduced pilgrimmages to Cadavus and sought long-term resource recovery and development. The people are generally left as is, with the Decados only acting to collect taxes and stop the worst of the violence. Despite lenient Decados rulership, world is again experiencing civil unrest. The Mechanique Argo Organization wants the terraforming engines rebuilt or reinstalled to improve agriculture; collectivist Honor Elite want to be rid of all off-world control and to build a self-governing egalitarian society; anti-Royalist Xenocrats oppose all nobility. The populace today is a hardy, violent and suspicious bunch. Most of the populace is strongly anti-authority, be it Noble, Church or Guild. The Decados nobles are (publicly) very conservative, thanks to the heavy avestite presence. Indeed, the nobles here are among the most well-traveled and sociall connected (none want to stay on the planet if they can avoid it...). The world has an extreme axial tilt (88 degrees). In the polar regions, there are only two seasons: Demiria, or "Long Day", is the summer, which lasts for several months. Demiset, or "Long Night", is the winter, which also lasts for months. In the equitorial and mid-latitude regions, the seasons are "Benu", the calm season with direct sunlight and 26 hour day-night cycles, and "Apophis", the storm season in which half the planet is in constant night and the other half in constant daylight. Fierce wind storms force small communities underground during Apophis while larger communities have wind-breakers to protect them.