| - The game begins when Kururugi enters the family storage shed in modern day Japan to retrieve an item for their father. After falling through a mysteriously etched pentagram on the floorboards, the player is transported to Feudal Japan. Unfortunately, when the time traveler comes across some villagers looking for something, they mistake the player for a demon because of their modern clothing; they attempt capturing the player, who runs away run them. After losing the villagers, Kururugi comes face to face with a demon; scared for their life, the player subconsciously calls forth a bright light that vanishes the demon. Fainting, Kururugi is then awoken by Inuyasha, who notices that the stranger's clothes "look like Kagome's."
| - The game begins when Kururugi enters the family storage shed in modern day Japan to retrieve an item for their father. After falling through a mysteriously etched pentagram on the floorboards, the player is transported to Feudal Japan. Unfortunately, when the time traveler comes across some villagers looking for something, they mistake the player for a demon because of their modern clothing; they attempt capturing the player, who runs away run them. After losing the villagers, Kururugi comes face to face with a demon; scared for their life, the player subconsciously calls forth a bright light that vanishes the demon. Fainting, Kururugi is then awoken by Inuyasha, who notices that the stranger's clothes "look like Kagome's." After introductions with the rest of the cast, the player begins to search for answers as to why Kururugi has been brought back to the feudal era and how to get home. The game progresses as any normal Inuyasha storyline, with the Inuyasha group traveling from village to village in pursuit of Naraku (and Kururugi's answers), sometimes helping out with a local problem or two. Occasionally traces to Naraku himself are revealed, as well as leads to Kururugi's mystery and the title's "cursed mask," which holds secrets to returning the character to the present. Along the way, Kururugi learns to harness the power of shikigami from a mysterious old villager called Kakuju, a force needed in order to help Inuyasha and the others overcome the dangerous obstacles ahead while unraveling the plot of the mystic Utsugi, who has allied with Naraku. Thanks to Naraku and Utsugi, several humans and demons suffer and the blame falls on Kururugi, who shares the same face as Utsugi. Utsugi is revealed to be Kururugi's ancestor, who brought him/her into the past for a nefarious purpose; thus Utsugi cannot be killed since it would erase Kururugi from existence (at this point, its unknown of Utsugi has had a child to continue Kururugi's bloodline, so better safe than sorry). Eventually, the group tracks Naraku to Asagiri Island, where he had been hiding in order to rebuild his body to strengthen his barrier. Through Kururugi's Shikigami spell proves ineffective, Kikyo arrives and shatters the crystal powering Naraku's barrier. Naraku steals Kagome's jewel shards and uses them to transform into the new body from Mount Hakurei in the anime. The group succeeds in destroying Naraku, who swears to return. With Naraku's defeat, Kururugi decides that the group has been burdened with him/her enough, and decides to search for Utsugi by themselves. However, the task proves difficult, resulting in Kururugi being saved by the group from a demon that keeps reviving and increasing in size. They discover that the demon had been a part of Naraku, a bad omen, and that Utsugi stole the Shikon Jewel. Their search brings them to a hidden village, named Kururugi; to the protagonist's surprise it's the very area their home would be built at in the future. Learning that Kakuju was the former priestess/priest of the shrine, they track the elder down. Upon hearing Utsugi's name, Kakuju demands to be taken the the village; however, a rogue Hitogata fatally wounds him/her. Kakuju reveals Utsugi to be a Hitogata created in the likeness of his/her deceased wife/husband; Utsugi didn't age, thus making fearful villagers chase her/him out. With a piece of the Shikon Jewel and a relative's soul, Utsugi can become human; this is why Utsugi summoned Kururugi from the future. They locate Utsugi, who attempts to steal Kururugi's soul; however, he/she fails. The jewel darkens and fuses with Utsugi, transforming the Hitogata into Naraku; obtaining Utsugi's power was his plan all along. Utsugi's remaining free will breaks his personal barrier, allowing the group to slay Naraku again. Utsugi discovers that he/she's bleeding, meaning that it's become human; Kakuju had placed her/his soul in an amulet given to Kururugi, saving their descendent from the spell. Utsugi dies, content with being with Kakuju. At that moment, Kururugi is whisked back to the present as the magic keeping them there is no longer around. In the present, Kururugi realizes the festival was based on their adventure with Inuyasha's group and briefly sees the member of the group they became close to.