| - If Autobots had mothers, HUBCAP would sell his for parts. He is a one-mech black market. If you need something, he can get it for you -- as long as you don't inquire too closely where he got it. HUBCAP has nobody's friendship, but everyone comes to him when they need something illegal, immoral, or unavailable anywhere else. He is creepy, unpleasant, dull, tightfisted, and charmless, but when he has what people want, they put up with him anyway.
| - If Autobots had mothers, HUBCAP would sell his for parts. He is a one-mech black market. If you need something, he can get it for you -- as long as you don't inquire too closely where he got it. HUBCAP has nobody's friendship, but everyone comes to him when they need something illegal, immoral, or unavailable anywhere else. He is creepy, unpleasant, dull, tightfisted, and charmless, but when he has what people want, they put up with him anyway. In robot mode, he functions as a communications hub, swapping information as freely as he does spare parts. His head module equipment receives AM and FM radio, cellular, shortwave, UHF, and VHF television signals as weak as .000001 watts, and he also has excellent hearing. He seems to know the latest scuttlebutt before it even happens, and isn't above trading secrets for new knowledge. In tow truck mode, he heads with Hoist into the field immediately after battles. While Hoist retrieves injured Autobots for repair and/or torture for failure, Hubcap removes the bodies of deactivated or incapacitated Decepticons. After Hubcap takes the remains to the Autobot base, he chops them up, living or dead, and salvages what he can for spare parts. He will often recycle the rest in the smelting pits, but he is also known to use Decepticon bodies and heads for target practice. It's pretty gruesome, but as long as Autobots continue to come to him for their illicit needs, Hubcap doesn’t really care what they think.