| - Karsh is a planet in Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight and is the home world of Eubulon and Xaviax.
- Karsh has been playing Yohoho! Puzzle Pirates since back on the Azure Ocean. Leading a life of a decent swordfighter and leader, Karsh has played primarily on Viridian and Hunter, but makes random appearances on Midnight. He does not often play Puzzle Pirates as of the year 2006, but logs in every once in a while on Hunter to see what's happening to the game and his crew. Karsh proudly wears a pink/white suit he dubs his Happy Housewife outfit, as an alternative to his original maroon/white getup.
- Karsh, born as Carthaen when he was a human, was a character created for the Electronic Arts video game The Battle for Middle-earth II: The Rise of the Witch-king. Karsh is a hero for the Angmar faction, and was known as a "whispering" wraith, but has the same physical appearance as Barrow-wights.
- Karsh Warburton (or Karsh Antayus, in the novels), is the protector of Alex. He's played by actor David Ingram.
- Karsh is the cursed captain of Arnor who now serves Angmar. He was once a man of Arnor - Carthaen, but now he is one of the deadliest servants of the Witch-King, now being a Wight.
- Karsh (カーシュ Kāshu?) is one of the four Devas of the Acacia Dragoon's who wields an axe and a fiery spirit in Chrono Cross. He is also the son of Zippa and the blacksmith Zappa.
- Like Wights, and unlike the Nazgul, Karsh floats on the battlefield.
- Karsh is a character from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. She is a Gerudo traveling through Hyrule in search of a husband. This article is a stub. You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- thumb|Karsh Karsh ist ein Grabunhold aus dem unten genannten Spiel. Er war einst Arnors Heermeister Carthaen und verteidigte Cardolans Hügelgräber gegen die Horden Angmars. Dabei tötete Morgomir ihn mit einer Morgul-Klinge. Dadurch wurde Carthaens Seele vergiftet und er kehrte als Grabunhold zurück. Er ist später ( als Karsh ) bei dem Angriff auf Fornost dabei. Karsh fand später Erlösung als die Truppen von Glorfindel,Elrond und Earnur Angmar angriffen. Karsh versuchte sie zurückzuschlagen, doch er wurde besiegt und seine Seele fand Frieden.
- Karsh is an elder Gangrel who held the unique title of Warlord of the Camarilla from the inception of the Camarilla until the Final Nights. Karsh is a towering mass of strength and sinew — a lionmaned colossus, broad-featured, dusky-skinned, crisscrossed from head to toe with the scars of a thousand battles. He is brooding and silent, due to either the ennui of immortality or the sheer self-assurance cultivated through centuries of solitude. It suits his purposes to be perceived as simple; when he speaks, however, his words are curt and carefully chosen. The stoic silence into which he retreats is interrupted only by the killing machine let loose whenever he takes the field. This bloodthirsty side, unconquered and uncontrolled, leads many to whisper that he is becoming that which he most d