The Tale of the Ice Princess is a story written by Yutaka Kobayakawa. It was written, bound, and presented to her sister, Yui Narumi for her birthday. The story itself is presented during Lucky Star Manga volume 4, episode 118: The flower that Melted the Snow. In this chapter the story itself takes up half of the four-page chapter; the other half of the episode is used to show how Yutaka asks Hiyori for her help to bind the booklet she had written the story in, and how she presents the book to Yui.
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| - The Tale of the Ice Princess
| - The Tale of the Ice Princess is a story written by Yutaka Kobayakawa. It was written, bound, and presented to her sister, Yui Narumi for her birthday. The story itself is presented during Lucky Star Manga volume 4, episode 118: The flower that Melted the Snow. In this chapter the story itself takes up half of the four-page chapter; the other half of the episode is used to show how Yutaka asks Hiyori for her help to bind the booklet she had written the story in, and how she presents the book to Yui.
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| - The Tale of the Ice Princess is a story written by Yutaka Kobayakawa. It was written, bound, and presented to her sister, Yui Narumi for her birthday. The story itself is presented during Lucky Star Manga volume 4, episode 118: The flower that Melted the Snow. In this chapter the story itself takes up half of the four-page chapter; the other half of the episode is used to show how Yutaka asks Hiyori for her help to bind the booklet she had written the story in, and how she presents the book to Yui.