Resident Evil: Extinction is a 2007 science fiction action horror film. It is the third installment in the series of film adaptations based on the Capcom survival horror series Resident Evil. The film follows the amnesiac heroine Alice, along with a group of survivors from Raccoon City, as they attempt to travel across the Mojave desert wilderness to Alaska and escape a zombie apocalypse. The film was directed by Russell Mulcahy.
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- Resident Evil: Extinction
- Resident Evil: Extinction
- Resident Evil: Extinction
| - Resident Evil: Extinction è il terzo film dedicato alla saga cinematografica Resident Evil, ripresa dal noto videogioco della Capcom, uscito in autunno 2007. Il film è diretto da Russell Mulcahy e prodotto da Paul W. S. Anderson e ha come attori Milla Jovovich, Mike Epps, Ashanti Douglas, Ali Larter, Chris Egan e Oded Fehr. Le riprese del film sono iniziate il 17 maggio 2006 in Messico. Negli USA l'uscita del film nelle sale è stata il 21 settembre 2007; in Italia il film è uscito nelle sale il 12 ottobre 2007.
- Resident Evil: Extinction est un film d'action, d'horreur et de science-fiction produit par Paul W. S. Anderson, sorti en 2007. C'est le troisième opus de la série de films Resident Evil.
- Resident Evil: Extinction is a 2007 science fiction action horror film. It is the third installment in the series of film adaptations based on the Capcom survival horror series Resident Evil. The film follows the amnesiac heroine Alice, along with a group of survivors from Raccoon City, as they attempt to travel across the Mojave desert wilderness to Alaska and escape a zombie apocalypse. The film was directed by Russell Mulcahy.
- Resident Evil: Extinction is a 2007 science fiction action movie and the third installment in the Resident Evil film series based on the Capcom survival horror series Resident Evil. The film follows the heroine Alice, along with a group of survivors from Raccoon City, as they attempt to travel across the Mojave desert wilderness to Alaska and escape a zombie apocalypse. The film was directed by Russell Mulcahy and produced by Paul W. S. Anderson.
- Resident Evil: Extinción (titulada originalmente Resident Evil: Extinction) es una película de 2007 que se encuadra en los géneros de terror, acción y ciencia ficción, también clasificada como una película apocalíptica y de zombis. Es la tercera entrega de una serie de adaptaciones fílmicas basadas en el videojuego de survival horror desarrollado por Capcom: Resident Evil.
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| - Paul W. S. Anderson
- Bernd Eichinger
- Jeremy Bolt
- Robert Kulzer
- Samuel Hadida
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| - Top to bottom: Milla Jovovich, Oded Fehr and Mike Epps reprised their roles from Resident Evil: Apocalypse, as Alice, Carlos Olivera and L.J. Wayne, respectively.
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