Galt was a town in the western part of Southern Ontario just to the south of Kitchener. In 1973 it was amalgamated with the towns of Preston and Hespeler to form the city of Cambridge.
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- Galt
- Galt
- Galt
- Galt
- Galt
- Galt
| - Galt ist ein Mitglied der Felsenkrähen, einer der Bergstämme.
- Galt was a town in the western part of Southern Ontario just to the south of Kitchener. In 1973 it was amalgamated with the towns of Preston and Hespeler to form the city of Cambridge.
- Galt - zarządca baraków na Placu Wołowym, gdzie koczują biedacy - ofiary wojny.
- Iutharal Galt was a Pardu tribesman. He had tattooing on his face. He was a medium infantryman of the 9th Company, 8th Legion of the Adjunct's Army and later a marine in the 9th squad.
- Galt was a minor character in TRON: Uprising.
- Galt är en infödd varelse på planeten Jorden. På planeten Kalydon finns det ett djur som liknar som stora och vilda galtar från Jorden. Doktor Abraham Weiss misstänker att varelsen odjur av Kalydon härstammar från samma lager men har genetiskt förändrat av någon anledning i det avlägsna förflutna. (RPG: "Stargate SG-1: Living Gods: Stargate System Lords") kategori:Djur
- Galt était le Maître-Thrall sur Triskelion dans les années 2260.
- Galt (pronounced GALT) is a land where once high ideals have been laid low and mob rule has led to chaos. Once, Galt was a nation based on high ideals and was renowned as a nation of free thinkers, poets and artists. After the death of Aroden and the rise of House Thrune, the people of Galt decided it was time to throw off the rule of infernal Cheliax and their own nobles who had colluded with them. A bloody revolution followed in which many, many nobles lost their heads. The problem was the executions did not end the bloodshed and within five years the severed head of the first government rolled down the steps of the guillotine. In the forty years since then, over a dozen governments have ruled Galt, rising and falling like the waves of a stormy sea.
- thumb|Galt (2268) Galt ist 2268 der Meister der Sklaven auf dem Planeten Triskelion. Er ist für die neuen Sklaven zuständig, die auf den Planeten gebracht werden, um als Gladiatoren in Kämpfen und Wetten die Versorger zu unterhalten. In dieser Stellung kann er die Schmerzintensität steuern, die über die Gehorsamshalsbänder frei wird. Auf diese Weise bestraft er auch Captain James T. Kirk und seinen Landetrupp für den Fluchtversuch aus dem Gefängnis. Nachdem Kirk in einem Kampf mit drei Gegner alle Sklaven befreit hat, beginnt auch er dort ein neues, freies Leben. (TOS: )
- Galt era il maestro thrall su Triskelion nel 2268. Era il capo degli umanoidi che erano stati portati sul pianeta a combattere come gladiatori nei giochi per intrattenere e consentire di giocare d'azzardo ai Protettori. La sua posizione gli consentiva di controllare il livello di dolore che gli allievi thrall potevano ricevere dai loro collari. Poteva farlo tramite un controllo emesso dagli occhi che brillavano mentre il dolore veniva inflitto. Usò questo metodo per fermare una fuga tentata da James T. Kirk e dalla sua squadra di sbarco. Dopo che Kirk vinse una scommessa fatta con i Protettori sconfiggendo tre thall durante una lotta ed ottenendo perciò la libertà per tutti, Galt rimase sul pianeta con gli altri thrall per iniziare una nuova vita libera. (TOS: "La posta in gioco")
- Galt was the master thrall on Triskelion in 2268. He was in charge of humanoids that were brought to the planet to fight as gladiators in combat games in order to entertain and provide gambling for the disembodied entities called the Providers. After Kirk had won a wager from the Providers by defeating three thralls that won the landing party their freedom, Galt was left on the planet with the other former thralls to begin a new life of freedom. (TOS: "The Gamesters of Triskelion" ) Galt was the first of many Trek roles played by Joseph Ruskin.
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