| - Having left the Cheyenne Mountain Complex, the two ships have left Earth's atmosphere and are preparing to go to warp before the complex's surface-to-orbit defenses go online. The USS Admonitor streaks out of the system easily, leaving the Enterprise behind. Edward Shield is woken by the rumble of the explosion, and his bookshelf tips precariously, sending several books flying onto the floor in front of him. At the top of the pile is his Bible, opened to the Book of Daniel, Chapter Five, verses twenty-six and twenty-eight.
| - Having left the Cheyenne Mountain Complex, the two ships have left Earth's atmosphere and are preparing to go to warp before the complex's surface-to-orbit defenses go online. The USS Admonitor streaks out of the system easily, leaving the Enterprise behind. Meanwhile, the Away Team from the Enterprise have returned with their captain. K'hallA orders him to get some rest, since he's been gone for a very long while and needs to rest before returning to duty, despite his best efforts to return to command. Despite the panicky behavior of the crew, he is able to fall asleep in his cabin. On the Bridge, K'hallA orders the ship to go to warp before they are attacked. But when the warp engines are turned on, the ship rocks with the force of an explosion. Edward Shield is woken by the rumble of the explosion, and his bookshelf tips precariously, sending several books flying onto the floor in front of him. At the top of the pile is his Bible, opened to the Book of Daniel, Chapter Five, verses twenty-six and twenty-eight.