| - The group had a lot of Facepunch Republic ideals and what prevented the group from being destroyed by anti-Facepunchers was the 1.4.7 dupe. The 1.4.7 dupe is what gave Valkyria the power and supplies to become a formidable force on the server. The group began gaining new members as friends of friends wanted to join the Valkyria base project. Valkyria showed their dominance on the server in the first incursion, invading spawn and killing enemies and newfags. Sato86 was actually killed by Jacktherippa during this incursion, however Jack later joined Valkyria. A few days after the first incursion, however, Valkyria was griefed due to Drewbookman's, who was accused of a few fires in the base, frustration and disbelief with the group. He used withers and tnt to deal severe damage to the base but was then killed by Hinderjd. The group moved on from Valkyria and they showed their dominance once again in the second incursion against newfags who came from an IGN article on 2b2t. They also hired more members at spawn and built more bases. The group fell for the first time when several Valkyrian bases, such as Asgard, got griefed before their completion by popbob. This made several members give up on the initiative and leave the group or quit the server entirely. However, Valkyria was revived by the Legion of Shenandoah and the Gape base group, who both looked up to Valkyria and gladly welcomed the former members into their group. This lead to a new base project known as Fenrir. When 3b3t became the newmape for 2b2t in early 2015, the Valkyrians founded Nova. However, when the server was returned to the oldmape, Fenrir was completed. These bases gave Valkyria the life it needed as its numbers began to grow and they started to regain their power. Valhalla and Valkyria 2.0 were also being built. The group decided to create Asgard II, in remembrance of the original, and the base was known to have housed one of the largest base groups in 2b2t. Valkyria membership began to grow more rapidly and the base became more and more magnificent. However, Asgard II did not last as the coords were publicly leaked in the spring of 2015. How the coords were found is still a mystery but the leak caused several members to either flee, panic, or destroy parts of the base themselves in order to prevent others from claiming the glory of destroying Asgard. Valkyria was furious after the destruction of Asgard II and so the third incursion began. The group killed hundreds of players at spawn, both newfags and enemies of the group. During the outrage, Wrath Outpost, Volunteers Base, and several other spawn bases were built. The group specifically made Wrath completely out of obsidian to show how powerful Valkyria was due to how hard obsidian was to obtain (considering how massive the build was) and to show intimidation and fear due to the black color of obsidian. They decorated several other of their spawn bases with riches and valuables to show this powerfulness as well. Jared2013 and Oremonger were amongst the enemies of Valkyria during the 3rd Incursion. The group dominated spawn for a month. Once the Incursion ended, Valkyria began to disband. All the facepunch members had left 2b2t by this point and Drewbookman became friends with Sato86 once more after three years. Several members, such as Fit , Pyrobyte , James_Rustles , and Jacktherippa began to part ways from the large group and made bases of their own, such as Aureus City and Space Valkyria . Despite the group being disbanded, several of the former members kept in touch and still used Valkyrian Eagles in their builds.