| - Adam, Hawkins and Specter walk the streets of a domed city, looking for any halfway-decent mechwarriors they can find to join the Strikers (because, as Adam reminds Hawkins, all the good mechwarriors have been tapped to fight The Clans). Hawkins' grumbling about "this Kerensky-forsaken rock" is interrupted as the trio walk up to a high-rise building bearing the name "Tybus" - a crime lord that FedCom Intelligence busted some time ago, but, as Hawkins explains, they could never make any of the charges stick.
| - Adam, Hawkins and Specter walk the streets of a domed city, looking for any halfway-decent mechwarriors they can find to join the Strikers (because, as Adam reminds Hawkins, all the good mechwarriors have been tapped to fight The Clans). Hawkins' grumbling about "this Kerensky-forsaken rock" is interrupted as the trio walk up to a high-rise building bearing the name "Tybus" - a crime lord that FedCom Intelligence busted some time ago, but, as Hawkins explains, they could never make any of the charges stick. Suddenly, the three Strikes hear weapons fire nearby. Two men are shooting at a VTOL (Vertical Take-Off and Landing) craft that has launched from a nearby rooftop. Hawkins intervenes to clear the streets of civilians as a security Centurion marches down the streets after the aircraft. As the aircraft breaks through the glass dome surrounding the city, the Centurion ignites its jump jets and heads after it, following it into Dustball's inhospitable desert terrain. A well-placed autocannon shot to the VTOL's aft section sends the aircraft crashing down. Seconds later, the Centurion's pilot gets out of his mech to apprehend the man inside the crashed craft, whom he identifies as "Martinez." Meanwhile, Adam, Hawkins and Specter have been watching the entire thing. Hawkins bluntly calls the spectacle he just witnessed "the craziest display of reckless mech jockeying I've ever seen" - to which Adam and Specter reply "That's our man!"