| - "Wake up!" I jumped. What's going on? I tiredly stretched and then looked up, figuring out what was going on. I turned my head to where the nest's window was located and saw the pale figure of Chloe all happy and hyper. She delicately knocked the window, being carefully not to scratch it and signaled me first to my bowl where this weird nasty so-called-food was located and then to the small entrance so I would get out. I lazily padded towards my bowl with the white liquid inside of it. I was quite impressed by the flavor. I just loved it!! This was the only thing about the food and drinks that I liked. I just wished I could hunt like mother did. I suddenly felt my eyes water, and quickly shook my head to wipe off the tears that were running through my cheek. I felt the milky substance go through my throat and refreshen me. I quietly padded to the other bowl where the weird brown thing was waiting for me to eat it. Apparently my Housefolk realized that I don't like it so they don't give me as much as before. I got to admit, these Housefolk weren't as bad as before. Now they only came to me fewer times but they still patted me or groomed me with this weird object. I hated it, but oh well I had to get used to it. "Hurry up!!" Chloe was impatiently meowing. Urghh!!! I take one last bite and run towards the entrance trying to chew my food on the same time. "Hey!" I meowed still chewing. "Who are we meeting today?" I asked. I learned from the past few days that everyday I was going to meet someone new until I had met all of Chloe's friends. "Gwen...she's kind of friendly and lives in the biggest house ever!" "House? Oh you mean nest. Ok! Let's go then!" I meowed trying to sound more joyful. "Follow me then!" I followed The walk was pretty much long. As we approached our destination, the Twoleg nests grew bigger and the small gardens... i think that's what they're called grew bigger and had more objects on then. Big stone pools with little falls in the middle of them, or stones made from stepping on them while making a path. "Almost there!" I heard Chloe from in front of me. My paws couldn't carry me any longer. And the hot sun wasn't helping either, burning in my face. At least the deep snow was cooling my paws as I took each step forward, and the cool wind was still refreshing my fur. "Yippee!" I said. I tried padding faster to keep up with Chloe, suddenly bumping into her when she stopped surprising me. "Whoa!" We both fell in the snow. I quickly got up. "I'm so sorry-!" I expected her to be mad, but she was just laughing. "Look at yourself!! You have white fur!" she said while laughing. I looked at my pelt. And it was totally covered with snow. I then looked at Chloe, whom had almost not as much snow as me on her pelt, and batted a bunch of snow to her. "Hey!" she meowed trying to dodge it but it was too late. I started laughing. She batted snow at me as I batted her with snow. She suddenly pushed me into the ice where I was sliding. I tried standing up but kept on falling. It was funny and fun. I could hardly remember the last time I had so much fun. And then I remembered mother telling me about the times she said ice and snow could be fun, and at that time I thought it was impossible. But now I do realize it was true. When I reached the snow I grabbed Chloe by the scruff and pulled her onto the ice. She tried clawing it but her claws were too short and the ice too slippery. "Ok!!" She said trying to stop laughing and padding towards me carefully. "Phew!" I laughed. "I think that's enough fun. My belly is hurting from laughing too hard." "Yea...let's get going. Hopefully Gwen will be already awake when we get there. She's not a morning cat like us!" "Like you, you mean!! You're just waking me up as soon as you get to me twolegnest!" I teased. "Here we are!" I looked up to see the biggest Twoleg nest ever! “This is where she lives?” I asked, still doubtful. “Yeah! This is where Gwen lives. Her Housefolk are really rich.” “What does rich mean?” “Rich means having a lot of land, umm...Food, a nest and lots of Housefolk objects.” “Oh!” "Follow me." she said as she padded away into another entrance to the garden, signaling me to follow. Wow...does every nest have a small entrance except mine? I thought, remembering the fence a few days ago. I flinched at the word "mine". Was I slowly turning each day a little more like a kittypet? The garden was huge just as Chloe had said. It had several objects like that tiny waterfall that Ii had seen earlier. It had rocks and a small pond with small creatures moving in it. My mouth watered. How I would die to eat fish again. I remebered how Bubbles had given me fish to eat for the first time. She had taken me to a small pond in the forest. She had showed me how to fish, but I don't think I could ever catch anything. Not yet anyways. "Gwen! Gwen?!" I heard Chloe calling. "What-?! Chloe is that you?" I heard a bossy and annoyed voice say. "Hey Gwen. Yeah. I just came here t-" Chloe started saying but got interrupted. I tried looking over the small fence for the cat whose voice belonged, as I padded towards Chloe. "You're just lucky that is wasn't toi who woke me up! My housefolk just had to clean the house today! So what are you doing here today? Couldn't stand being away from moi?" Not very nice? Well, maybe she just had a bad morning. Toi? Moi? What was she meowing about? She had bees in her brain. "Well I wanted you to meet my new friend. This is Sunny." As Chloe finished saying my name I stepped into the light, away from, the shadows of the fence. I turned to face the strange cat, as the sun hit my face and I heard her gasp. "Eww! That's you friend?" That's when I first saw her. She had long groomed snow-white pelt with dark mossy green eyes. She was looking staring at me with a disgusted face. "Uhhh..hi.?" I meowed a little bit shy. "What do you mean eww!! What's that suppose to mean?" I heard Chloe's meow which had a bit of a growl. "Calm toi.. It's nothing personal...I think." she mewoed "But just look at her fur!! It's..It's..It's..I can't even say it!" She started liking her paw delicately. "It's what?!?" I yelled at little mad. "Why are you making me suffering?" she said not looking at me." Black! There I said it! It's black!" "What? That's what all of this is about? Because she has black fur? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard!" I looked at my paws ashamed. "No cat wants to be friends or just hang out with a black furred cat!" she hissed. "Just ask anyone!" I felt the urge to cry. But I wasn't going to give in to the tears. My head was hurting now... "That's it!" I looked up to see Chloe leap on Gwen. Gwen taken off guard was the perfect victim and fell as Chloe leaped on her. Chloe pushed her to the ground, as Gwen struggled helplessly free. I saw Chloe scratch Gwen's chest as Gwen's painful yowl followed. "Chloe? Chloe what are you doing?" I meowed, almost out of breath. Chloe faced up to see me and then with one quick jump she pushed Gwen into the fake small waterfall. "Ahhh!!" was all I heard from Gwen as she fell in and the frozen top of the water cracked slowly. "Oh no!! Please don't crack..." she begged to the ice. She looked up at us as Chloe approached me and looked at Gwen. For the first time I saw a real expression on her face. She was scared. "Help me please!! I hate water!" That's the difference between you and me, I thought. "Say you're sorry first and then we'll help you." Chloe meowed simply. "What-? Tu est crazy! No please just help me!" she begged. "No! Say it first!" I heard the ice crack more and Gwen getting more nervous. "Ok! Ok! I'm sorry whats-your-name!" "No! My name is Sunny!" I meowed in the same time as Chloe meowed, "It's Sunny!" "Ok! I'm sorry Sunny!" she meowed a little annoying but I could still hear the fight in her voice. "OK! Let's go Sunny!" Chloe got up and signaled me to follow her out of the garden. "What? No wait!! Help me!" "No! That's what tu get for treating my friend badly!" Chloe meowed, imitating Gwen's weird words and voice. I smiled at the word friend. "Come on!" I heard Chloe saying padding faster as we got out of the garden. "Thanks Chloe! I can't believe you really did that!" "What are friends for?" she simply said as we started padding away. And I heard SPLASH...