| - Tap-Nar-Pal, nicknamed "Tap", was a male Cerean Padawan serving the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic as a Commander in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. As the war ground onward, Pal approached his Master with the unusual plan to have all the Senators of the Republic tested for midi-chlorians. Kim brought the idea to his old friend, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine—Palpatine agreed to think about the idea, but asked the Jedi to keep it to themselves for the time being. Immediately after their meeting with Palpatine, Kim and Pal were dispatched to the planet of Merson, to establish a staging area for a larger mission to eliminate the Merson Pirates. While Master Kim led the ground forces, Pal remained in space, leading the starfighters that defended the small fleet that
| - Tap-Nar-Pal, nicknamed "Tap", was a male Cerean Padawan serving the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic as a Commander in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. As the war ground onward, Pal approached his Master with the unusual plan to have all the Senators of the Republic tested for midi-chlorians. Kim brought the idea to his old friend, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine—Palpatine agreed to think about the idea, but asked the Jedi to keep it to themselves for the time being. Immediately after their meeting with Palpatine, Kim and Pal were dispatched to the planet of Merson, to establish a staging area for a larger mission to eliminate the Merson Pirates. While Master Kim led the ground forces, Pal remained in space, leading the starfighters that defended the small fleet that had accompanied them. Both the fleet and the ground forces were ambushed upon their arrival, and were cut off from each other. The ground forces took heavy casualties, and were unable to escape when Captain Gilad Pellaeon refused to send a rescue ship. Pal took it upon himself to break away from the fight to try and rescue his Master, despite knowing that his ship had already been heavily damaged. He was quickly shot down and killed, and his master followed soon thereafter, both falling to Palpatine's manipulations.