The Spider Riders manga series, written by Junji Ohno of Studio 23, began its serialization online on May 31, 2006. It was first hosted on TV Tokyo's website for the anime. Since then, it's appeared and disappeared in various other places, but is currently unavailable. On June 19, 2007, the manga began it's serialization in Fang magazine, published by LEED. However, LEED chose to suspend the manga's publication in September 2006, ending the series after only 10 chapters were released altogether.
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| - The Spider Riders manga series, written by Junji Ohno of Studio 23, began its serialization online on May 31, 2006. It was first hosted on TV Tokyo's website for the anime. Since then, it's appeared and disappeared in various other places, but is currently unavailable. On June 19, 2007, the manga began it's serialization in Fang magazine, published by LEED. However, LEED chose to suspend the manga's publication in September 2006, ending the series after only 10 chapters were released altogether.
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| - The Spider Riders manga series, written by Junji Ohno of Studio 23, began its serialization online on May 31, 2006. It was first hosted on TV Tokyo's website for the anime. Since then, it's appeared and disappeared in various other places, but is currently unavailable. On June 19, 2007, the manga began it's serialization in Fang magazine, published by LEED. However, LEED chose to suspend the manga's publication in September 2006, ending the series after only 10 chapters were released altogether. The art style in the manga differed from the anime, and was criticized for being unattractive. The manga followed the anime somewhat, but there were various subtle differences.