| - The Sekotan Star Cruiser was the most shining example of Zonama Sekot's growing defense following the Avengeance Incident. In 40ABY, after the Incident, the Magister, Sekotan Council, Council of Twilight, and Remsian Senate gathered together on the living world as it quietly sat within the Remsi System. In a way, they had all been attacked during the Incident, the Templars had lost people, the Sekotans had lost millions, the Remsian military had lost half a legion, and Sekot had again felt pain from the wrath of others.
| - The Sekotan Star Cruiser was the most shining example of Zonama Sekot's growing defense following the Avengeance Incident. In 40ABY, after the Incident, the Magister, Sekotan Council, Council of Twilight, and Remsian Senate gathered together on the living world as it quietly sat within the Remsi System. In a way, they had all been attacked during the Incident, the Templars had lost people, the Sekotans had lost millions, the Remsian military had lost half a legion, and Sekot had again felt pain from the wrath of others. On this day many things were decided, the Remsian Navy was formed, the Remsian Marine Corps, and Twilight Trooper Corps received permission to bolster ranks and offensive force. The Avengeance Accords were signed, stating that the Remsian Republic would offer full defensive support to Zonama Sekot during times it was within the Republic borders. And the Defense Initiative was signed. The Defense Initiative was an agreement between all groups present to fund defense emplacements on the Planet. And Zonama Sekot itself announced its decision to grow ships capable of defending itself. And so the Sekotan Star Cruiser was born. Very few of the vessels were created at first, the process of growing ships of the size and armament was taxing. By 100 ABY only five ships existed. At any given time they orbited Zonama Sekot with their Arctus Cloaks active, acting as asteroid moons. They would follow the world through hyperspace, and take up positions around it, with one always trailing and another leading, several hundred million kilometers in orbit.