| - Chisaki's birth is a bit of a mystery. Gim was pregnant with her, records do not show exactly what occured, only that in the end, Forge ended up with the baby, and named her, Chisaki. The Pack came back and took the baby from Forge. Chisaki was then raised by Gim, Renagade and Remmy. she grew rather quickly a genetic defect from Renegade's mutated blood. she also had a pecular ability to heal rather quickly.
| - Chisaki's birth is a bit of a mystery. Gim was pregnant with her, records do not show exactly what occured, only that in the end, Forge ended up with the baby, and named her, Chisaki. The Pack came back and took the baby from Forge. Chisaki was then raised by Gim, Renagade and Remmy. she grew rather quickly a genetic defect from Renegade's mutated blood. she also had a pecular ability to heal rather quickly. Ren and Gim soon both left Midian..leaving a rather scared and alone Chisaki to the Pack...but she held the Pack accountable for her parent's leaving, and so, she left them to try life on her own...and she faield miserably at it. Remmy too had vanished, and jsut as Chisaki was ready to give up all hope, she found someone to take her in. Daeynaries Lane had never been able to have children of her own. As the Princess of the Dolls, when had she had time? and here was a small young Hybrid, asking about her shoes. Daey played off inocent "i am a baker" she told the child when asked her profession. Chisaki followed the Princess of the Dolls everywhere, curious about her. Daey eventually found out Chisaki was a homeless orphan, her heart broke at teh news. Daey decided there and then to Adopt Chisaki and make her into her own daughter. from that day forward, the two were family, Daeynaries and Chisaki Lane. in the time that came after that, Chisaki slowly began to learn more about her past, about Forge. He claimed that he had been set to Marry Gim, thus declaring himself her step father. she was a daddy's girl, born and raised, and with Ren gone, she welcomed forge into the position with open arms. Daey was less then pleased but accepted it. Daeynaries, now a mother, also decided her time with the Dolls would have to end. she spoke with Mayor Steel and the two designated the old abandoend Zoe's as a palce for Daey, her current boyfriend Cameron and Chisaki to open their restaurant and bakery, the Midian City Kitchen. time again passed, people came and left Chisaki's life, Daey remaining the only constant.....until a young man appeared in midian, his soft south african accent and cedar scent attracting chisaki to him. a perculiar blond boy, she couldn't stay away from him. Ehan Cosntantine, he was the same age as Chisaki, and was immediately enthralled with the Hybrid. the two dated for several months before a little....mishap occured causing the conception of their daughter, Kaeytlyn. They were engaged and amrried shortly after. Not long before the wedding, Chisaki met a small boy of 11 years, Dmitry. he was an orphan run away to midian. he asked her for Change on a rather bad day and received a yelling at. Chisaki of course realizing she was being quite the....bitch, took Dmitry with her to the Community center and made a life altering choice for the both of them..she hired him as a Kitchen boy, and she hired him as a live in babysitter. after several months, Dmitry, Chisaki, and Ethan grew very close, and it was not long before Chisaki and Ethan officially adopted Dmitry into their growing family.