337 was a pair of Imperial Corellian Engineering Corporation Assassin-class corvettes involved in supplying Admiral Wooyou Senn's Task Force Vengeance in the Outer Rim Airam sector. As part of a convoy making its way to a hyperspace transit point, the ships of 337 group were inspected by a flight of Rebel Alliance A-wings on a scouting mission. This revealed that these modified corvettes appeared to be carrying power cells. The A-wings then proceeded to destroy these vessels.
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| - 337 – nieistniejąca linia autobusowa okresowa, która kursowała na trasie z Wiatracznej na Marysin.
- 337 was a pair of Imperial Corellian Engineering Corporation Assassin-class corvettes involved in supplying Admiral Wooyou Senn's Task Force Vengeance in the Outer Rim Airam sector. As part of a convoy making its way to a hyperspace transit point, the ships of 337 group were inspected by a flight of Rebel Alliance A-wings on a scouting mission. This revealed that these modified corvettes appeared to be carrying power cells. The A-wings then proceeded to destroy these vessels.
- El trescientos treinta y siete (337) es el número natural que sigue al 336 y precede al 338. Categoría:Números
- Diana sieht sich trotz ihres Versprechens nicht in der Lage, ihre Eislaufkarriere fortzusetzen. Doch in einem Traum erscheint ihr Julian, der ihr neuen Mut zuspricht und wie durch ein Wunder stehen plötzlich Dianas Schlittschuhe wieder vor ihr. Mit zitternden Knien versucht Diana, wieder einen Fuß aufs Eis zu setzen und wird dabei auf wundersame Weise unterstützt. Annette verkennt die Situation und glaubt, dass Lena Ingo erneut betrogen hat. Zudem behauptet Maximilian, dass Lena ihm Zugang zu den Unterschriftenlisten für das Bürgerbegehren verschafft hat. Fassungslos überhäuft Annette ihre Schwester mit Vorwürfen. Wird Lena Ingo endlich reinen Wein einschenken? Durch Vanessa erfährt Richard von Nadjas Schwangerschaft. Besorgt erkundigt sich Richard nach Nadjas Befinden, was Axel zufällig m
- The elderly Caretaker of Eagle Hill Cemetery goes about his business in the chapel. He receives an unexpected visit from Dr. Dave Woodard. Woodard inquires about the curse on the Collins Family Tomb of which the Caretaker once spoke.
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| - 337 – nieistniejąca linia autobusowa okresowa, która kursowała na trasie z Wiatracznej na Marysin.
- The elderly Caretaker of Eagle Hill Cemetery goes about his business in the chapel. He receives an unexpected visit from Dr. Dave Woodard. Woodard inquires about the curse on the Collins Family Tomb of which the Caretaker once spoke. The Caretaker tells Dr. Woodard that no one can divulge the secret of the curse. Woodard persists, reminding the old man about the journal of Joshua Collins. The Caretaker assures him that reading the journal would be a waste of time, as it does not specify what the curse is. Woodard believes the curse is tied to the Collinsport Strangler. The Caretaker agrees to allow him access to the Collins Family records; he gathers several old tomes for Woodard to read. Meanwhile, Barnabas Collins is leaving Collinwood after a visit and encounters Roger Collins on his way out. They discuss David's state of mind, and Barnabas learns that Roger intends to send David away from Collinsport. Back at the chapel, the Caretaker finds an entry on Sarah Collins, and he mentions the astonishing resemblance between Barnabas Collins and his 18th century "ancestor." The night he encountered Barnabas in the cemetery made him believe the "original" Barnabas had come back to life. Woodard learns that the "original" Barnabas moved to England after recovering from a strange fever. On the exact same day that Barnabas departed, Joshua ordered the Mausoleum built, away from the other Collins Family graves. Woodard surmises that Barnabas never went to England in the first place, nor did he ever leave Collinsport. At Collinwood, Roger and Elizabeth Collins Stoddard are in the middle of a heated discussion concerning David. Elizabeth dismisses the idea of enrolling her nephew in a military school in Boston. Roger threatens to send David away without Elizabeth's approval; Elizabeth threatens to throw Roger out of Collinwood if that happens. Roger begrudgingly backs down, but he tells his sister he will send David off to military school if Dr. Fisher is unable to help him. They are interrupted by a knock at the door; it is Woodard. He pauses and stares at the Portrait of Barnabas. He notes how the eyes seem alive. Roger asks Woodard of his opinion of Fisher and wonders if the psychiatrist will be able to help David. As Roger tries to persuade Woodard toward his idea of military school, Elizabeth returns with David. She and Roger leave the pair alone to talk in the Drawing room. David is delighted to hear that Woodard believes him and has met Sarah. Woodard intends to do more investigating. David wonders if Barnabas is dead. Woodard is not sure; the thought of what Barnabas might be frightens him. David promises to keep their talk a secret, while Woodard gathers more proof. Later, at the Old House, Barnabas is surprised to receive a visit from Woodard. He is unsettled to learn Woodard believes David's so-called tall tales. Woodard surmises that there is a strong motive for David to start telling "lies" about Barnabas. He continues to drive his point home until Barnabas loses his cool and angrily snaps. Woodard reveals that he saw Barnabas' sister Sarah earlier. Barnabas is momentarily speechless, but he quickly recovers and wonders if Woodard is suffering from delusions. Barnabas kicks Woodard out, clearly distressed by the doctor's claims.
- 337 was a pair of Imperial Corellian Engineering Corporation Assassin-class corvettes involved in supplying Admiral Wooyou Senn's Task Force Vengeance in the Outer Rim Airam sector. As part of a convoy making its way to a hyperspace transit point, the ships of 337 group were inspected by a flight of Rebel Alliance A-wings on a scouting mission. This revealed that these modified corvettes appeared to be carrying power cells. The A-wings then proceeded to destroy these vessels.
- Diana sieht sich trotz ihres Versprechens nicht in der Lage, ihre Eislaufkarriere fortzusetzen. Doch in einem Traum erscheint ihr Julian, der ihr neuen Mut zuspricht und wie durch ein Wunder stehen plötzlich Dianas Schlittschuhe wieder vor ihr. Mit zitternden Knien versucht Diana, wieder einen Fuß aufs Eis zu setzen und wird dabei auf wundersame Weise unterstützt. Annette verkennt die Situation und glaubt, dass Lena Ingo erneut betrogen hat. Zudem behauptet Maximilian, dass Lena ihm Zugang zu den Unterschriftenlisten für das Bürgerbegehren verschafft hat. Fassungslos überhäuft Annette ihre Schwester mit Vorwürfen. Wird Lena Ingo endlich reinen Wein einschenken? Durch Vanessa erfährt Richard von Nadjas Schwangerschaft. Besorgt erkundigt sich Richard nach Nadjas Befinden, was Axel zufällig mitbekommt. Axel wäre nicht Axel, wenn er nicht sofort von Richards Treiben berichten würde. Tatsächlich flammt in Simone die Eifersucht erneut auf...
- El trescientos treinta y siete (337) es el número natural que sigue al 336 y precede al 338. Categoría:Números
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