Wry, originally designated "Subject H," was a male clone created from Jedi and Sith DNA in an Imperial research facility on a frozen moon in the Unknown Regions at some point around 9 ABY. A part of a clone project started by Grand Admiral Thrawn of the Galactic Empire, Subject H and the other clones developed a close Community between themselves, and one of them, Seer, claimed to have received summons from an entity called "Mother" and tried to convince them to escape from the facility. Wry doubted the existence of Mother, however, and was brutally murdered in response by the other members of the Community years prior to 41 ABY. His death put caution into Soldier, another clone with wavering faith in Mother, who chose to comply with the plans of his brethren. (Read more…)
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| - Wookieepedia:Good article queue/May 5, 2015
| - Wry, originally designated "Subject H," was a male clone created from Jedi and Sith DNA in an Imperial research facility on a frozen moon in the Unknown Regions at some point around 9 ABY. A part of a clone project started by Grand Admiral Thrawn of the Galactic Empire, Subject H and the other clones developed a close Community between themselves, and one of them, Seer, claimed to have received summons from an entity called "Mother" and tried to convince them to escape from the facility. Wry doubted the existence of Mother, however, and was brutally murdered in response by the other members of the Community years prior to 41 ABY. His death put caution into Soldier, another clone with wavering faith in Mother, who chose to comply with the plans of his brethren. (Read more…)
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| - Wry, originally designated "Subject H," was a male clone created from Jedi and Sith DNA in an Imperial research facility on a frozen moon in the Unknown Regions at some point around 9 ABY. A part of a clone project started by Grand Admiral Thrawn of the Galactic Empire, Subject H and the other clones developed a close Community between themselves, and one of them, Seer, claimed to have received summons from an entity called "Mother" and tried to convince them to escape from the facility. Wry doubted the existence of Mother, however, and was brutally murdered in response by the other members of the Community years prior to 41 ABY. His death put caution into Soldier, another clone with wavering faith in Mother, who chose to comply with the plans of his brethren. (Read more…) Recently showcased: Desolation Station – Janet Lalasha – Brullian Dyll