| - Verne Newton Brown, born on October 29, 1888, was the youngest son of Doc and Clara Brown. His first name is in reference to Jules Verne, the favorite novelist of his parents. His middle name was created in reference to Isaac Newton. He assisted his own birth via time travel. Verne was usually a quite cheerful young man, however he disliked losing and doing chores. He liked computer and video games and watching television. He was almost always seen wearing a coonskin cap like Davy Crockett, even when swimming. Unlike older brother Jules, Verne appeared to be quite popular at school and has many friends, including Marty McFly and his brother Jules. He also acted his age, unlike Jules who acted at least ten years older. A troubles appears to stem from a disagreement over the matter of children. Lassiter says his wife believes troubles appear to stem from a disagreement over the matter of children. Lassiter says his wife believed at one point that he was adopted, due to not being as intelligent as the rest of the family. However, this turned out to simply be fear due to Jules teasing him. His favorite insult is "skunkhead", mostly to Jules (the irony is that it was Verne who wears a 'coon skin cap on his head!)