| - Charge Attacks (チャージ攻撃), alternatively called Strong Attacks or Power Attacks or Heavy Attacks, are powerful moves found in Warriors titles that can usually be executed by pressing Image:Tri.png (default setting on PlayStation ports). They often take more time to execute than normal attacks (Image:Square.png, default setting on PlayStation ports), but they can offer special effects like breaking an enemy's guard or initiating automated attack sequences. To abbreviate specific combinations, sometimes fans refer to the sequence by stating C and a variable number for the charge attack's sequence in the chain. For instance, Image:Square.png, Image:Square.png, Image:Square.png, Image:Tri.png would be called C4 since the charge acts as the last attack. Here is a visual guideline that shows the common abbreviations for charge attacks. Additional attacks attached to a single charge attack is sometimes referred to as C# - # of the follow up (for example: Image:Square.png, Image:Square.png, Image:Tri.png, (Image:Tri.png) would be C3-1). While combo fans may refer to each tap individually, most players include these extra attacks when they refer to that particular charge. For the third-party crossover titles, many of the characters' charge attacks are taken straight from their source material and may have a name already associated with their attacks. Fans may opt to use the attack's canonical name instead of the numbered abbreviations. The formula for this combo chain has evolved over the years and each Warriors related series adds a new element to the system.