| - In high-power mechanics, electro-plasma was a super-energized plasma used to transfer energy from a central power source using plasma conduit transfer. Extremely high-powered warp plasma or drive plasma was used as a plasma stream to power the warp drive of a starship. Warp plasma was usually produced inside a dilithium controlled reaction assembly, where intermix between matter and antimatter occurred. On Federation starships and outposts, as well as those of other major spacefaring species, electro-plasma was the main power transfer medium. A Federation EPS (electro-plasma system) was fed from a warp core on a starship, a fusion reactor on an installation or starbase, or an impulse reactor on a non-warp spacecraft. Besides the large warp plasma conduits (power transfer conduits), there were smaller plasma conduits, with EPS taps that transferred power as electricity to all subsystems connected to the power transfer grid. Drive plasma was regulated with warp plasma regulators and other plasma with plasma regulators. The flow of plasma was regulated using plasma flow regulators. If a plasma conduit or EPS tap ruptured, the contents could set off a plasma fire. (ENT: "The Forgotten", "Regeneration"; TNG: "Disaster" ; DS9: "In the Hands of the Prophets", "In the Cards") Energized electro-plasma could be stored in warp plasma canisters or plasma infusers for mobile use, and was used in plasma torches and plasma weapons (such as plasma cannons, plasma charges, plasma waves, plasma rifles, and plasma torpedoes). It may also be naturally-generated, such as the energetic anomalies found in plasma storms and fields. (DS9: "The Maquis, Part I"; VOY: "Caretaker")
- El electro-plasma (también conocido como plasma warp) es un tipo de plasma que sostiene su coherencia física gracias a los armónicos. No se da de forma natural, pues necesita un patrón armónico concreto para sostener su integridad.