| - From QuickVFD. Rewritten. Rewrite- You had me until the "sews the seeds" and mention of "sweatshops" --Repairman Jack 11:50, 16 May 2005 (EDT) <>s<>Psh.... Granted, the "preparation of Gulag Pie" section is horrible, but that doesn't seem grounds for deletion. I thought the first bit was rather clever when I wrote it, but if nobody else does I suppose I don't have any objections to it being deleted. --Spintherism 20:05, 16 May 2005 (EDT)<>/s<> I rewrote it and took that nasty sneering Mr. T. off. It's much better now. (In my opinion, at least)--Spintherism 22:59, 16 May 2005 (EDT)
| - From QuickVFD. Rewritten. Rewrite- You had me until the "sews the seeds" and mention of "sweatshops" --Repairman Jack 11:50, 16 May 2005 (EDT) <>s<>Psh.... Granted, the "preparation of Gulag Pie" section is horrible, but that doesn't seem grounds for deletion. I thought the first bit was rather clever when I wrote it, but if nobody else does I suppose I don't have any objections to it being deleted. --Spintherism 20:05, 16 May 2005 (EDT)<>/s<> I rewrote it and took that nasty sneering Mr. T. off. It's much better now. (In my opinion, at least)--Spintherism 22:59, 16 May 2005 (EDT) actually thought it was funnier before...ah well, this never should have been a candidate for deletion --slack 20:20, 18 May 2005 (EDT) My theory is that it was put in quick VFD before I fixed it (as it definitely deserved to be), and certain people were overly eager in their humor nazism and weren't appreciative of my subtle and delightful wit. (Honestly though, I never have any idea if what I write is good or not; if you liked the "preparation of Gulag Pie," by all means, pull it from the history, and I'll spend time I should be doing french homework adding to it, but I'm personally unable to face any sort of criticism, and cannot, therefor be responsible for the resurrection of something that has been criticized) --Spintherism 22:37, 18 May 2005 (EDT) I've checked the logs and you are correct article history indicates your first changes made at (01:38, 13 May 2005 Spintherism), QuickVFD diff (Revision as of 01:22, 13 May 2005 Carlb) was the update to QuickVFD this, a quarter-hour before you started rewriting it. Original article 00:03, 13 May 2005 was a one-line substub "Gulag eeerr Soviet Union Labour camp system (not sure how to explain this in english)" with no other content. I see no further need for this to be on VFD or QuickVFD. --Carlb 23:16, 18 May 2005 (EDT)