| - The Secret Saturdays game on CartoonNetwork.com When you complete it you get a wallpaper that has the Saturdays, Owlman, Honey Island Swamp Monster , Biloko , Duah (Ropen) Bishopville Lizardman , Chupacabra , Cherufe. Game has three different areas. Each area has 10 levels then a boss. Area 1 ends with Van Rook, Area 2 with Munya, and Area 3 with Argost. You have to collect 4 artifacts from each level except for the boss level. You have to get all the powers to get all 60 artifacts. The only powers you have in Area 1 Level 1 are:
* Z+X=jump attack
* Z=jump
* X=attack
| - The Secret Saturdays game on CartoonNetwork.com When you complete it you get a wallpaper that has the Saturdays, Owlman, Honey Island Swamp Monster , Biloko , Duah (Ropen) Bishopville Lizardman , Chupacabra , Cherufe. Game has three different areas. Each area has 10 levels then a boss. Area 1 ends with Van Rook, Area 2 with Munya, and Area 3 with Argost. You have to collect 4 artifacts from each level except for the boss level. You have to get all the powers to get all 60 artifacts. The only powers you have in Area 1 Level 1 are:
* Z+X=jump attack
* Z=jump
* X=attack You also have to attack: The Popobawa, Flashlight Frog, Cryptid Plants, Munya, V.V. Argost, Van Rook and Olgoi khorckhoi.