| - Elise Finnegan, is a character portrayed by Kathleen Rose Perkins in the ABC crime series Castle. Elise was the ivory-tower princess, and daughter of Gerry and Gayle, who found her happily after wasn't to be ever, when someone cut down her bold knight, Steven Fletcher, in cold blood. Elise was as protected as her father could contrive her to be, yet still she managed to meet Steven, and planned to marry him.
| - Elise Finnegan, is a character portrayed by Kathleen Rose Perkins in the ABC crime series Castle. Elise was the ivory-tower princess, and daughter of Gerry and Gayle, who found her happily after wasn't to be ever, when someone cut down her bold knight, Steven Fletcher, in cold blood. Elise was as protected as her father could contrive her to be, yet still she managed to meet Steven, and planned to marry him. Steven, however, as portrayed by a report from a PI Gerry hired, turned out to be a Frankenstein's monster of practically every nightmare component a wealthy, loving father could envision, a con man with a long history of scams who was only after his daughter for his money. Still, Elise was in love, so Dad tried to quietly remove Steven from the picture. He presented him with a pre-nup which cut him off entirely from the family fortune, and waited for him to leave a hole in the door as he fled. Shockingly, Steven signed, and Gerry was slowly won around to the bizarre notion that this man of lies had told the truth for once in his life. Then, Steven was murdered, in similarly weird circumstances, and Elise was left to pick up the pieces of her life and try to move on, although the investigation concluded with Beckett able to assure Elise that Steven had genuinely loved her and sought to change his life because she inspired him to be better.