| - Samwise Gamgee, also known as Sam, was a Hobbit of the Shire. He was Frodo Baggins' gardener and best friend. Sam proved himself to be Frodo's closest and most dependable companion, the most loyal of the Fellowship of the Ring, and also played a necessary role in protecting Frodo and destroying the One Ring.
- Samwise Gamgee, often simply called Sam, is the Tetartagonist in J. R. R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings series. Sam is a Hobbit, a halfling race who mostly live quite rural lives. Sam was a gardener for most of his life but one day leaves his home in the Shire when his friend and neighbor Frodo Baggins finds that he is charged with taking on a cursed ring referred to as The One Ring and most make the arduous journey across the land to see to its destruction.
- Kategoria:Artykuły do poprawy Samwise Gamgee – hobbit, członek Drużyny Pierścienia, mieszkaniec Shire, przyjaciel i ogrodnik Froda Bagginsa, do którego zwraca się per "panie".
- 250px|thumb|Wybieraj - chcesz zginąć od miecza czy butelki? Samwise Gamgee – przedstawiciel rasy małych z loczkami, wierny przydupas Froda i spółki do maszu. Pełni rolę kompana, który nic nie umie, do niczego się nie nadaje, wszystko spartaczy, a mimo to go lubią, bo przynajmniej jest im wierny. Tym samym zalicza się do elementów konwertujących krwawą opowieść o wojnach potworów w wymyślonym świecie na poruszającą i pokrzepiającą historię o wspaniałej przyjaźni ponad podziałami.
- Sam carries a sturdy blade(hand weapon). At an additional points cost he may also have the following item of wargear: Elven Cloak............................................................................10 points
- Sam is, fortunately, not one of the usual fangirl magnets, as is the case with Legolas, Aragorn, and Frodo. However, this means that when a Sue does appear, Sam, like Gimli, either tends to get bashed or fades into oblivion. Alternatively, he may fawn over the Sue or be in awe of her, while she condescendingly acts as if he is a cuddly little man-child. He still gets the odd Sue to himself on occasion, but usually his being married in canon prevents that.
- Unwavering loyalty, friendship, and faithfulness are the first traits that come to mind when one remembers Frodo's very best and most devoted friend. The original Hobbit form of his name, Banazir, meant "Simple One", Indeed Sam was simple, in the sense of being single visioned, and uncomplicated in his devotion. Anywhere Frodo would go, Sam was committed to follow. This manservant of the great Ring-bearer, who was for a while a Ring-bearer himself, was born in Bag End of the Shire in T.A. 2980 to a working class family. Samwise was the fifth child out of six. His family's trade was gardening. Unlike the Tooks,Bagginses, or other Fallohide-mixed Hobbits, the Gamgees were known as a very conservative unaspiring clan. So, the Hobbits of Hobbiton recognized the Gamgees as worthy folk and every