| - Antoine pilots the Freedom Fighter Special Mark 2 towards New Megaopolis, where he and the rest of the Knothole Freedom Fighters plan to stage a rescue mission for Tommy Turtle. As they fly over the ruins of Old Megaopolis, Sally begins to worry that keeping their mission a secret from her father was a mistake. Sonic asks Sally why she decided to tag along when they broke up over Sonic going on missions like these in the first place, but Sally argues that they'll need her to rescue Tommy and she can't turn her back on an old friend. Once they land, Sally asks NICOLE to display mission schematics and explains their tactics: Sonic and Sally will lead the way while Rotor and Bunnie trail behind as backup and Tails and Antoine guard the ship. Antoine asks for permission to accompany Sally instead. Tails is upset, but agrees to stay behind when Sally explains that she wants him to guard the ship because she trusts him. Sally asks NICOLE to plot a course through the Robo-Dyne Factory, where the Infiltrators are produced, and spots several SWATbots and unfinished infiltrators patrolling as they approach the building. Inside, the group tries to sneak by undetected despite Bunnie and Antoine's noisy quarreling. They soon find themselves in the presence of a massive assembly line, producing Infiltrators at an alarming rate. Sally decides that their priorities have changed and they need to shut down the factory as soon as possible. Sonic doesn't agree, worried that they might put Tommy and jeopardy, and the two begin to argue. A group of SWATbots overhear the commotion and raise the alarm. The Freedom Fighters strike, tearing through the SWATbots while Rotor prepares to electrify the floor. Sally swings by on a rope and grabs Sonic just as the floor sparks, disabling all of the SWATbots in the area. They head deeper into the factory to search for Tommy while Bunnie, Rotor, and Antoine decide to follow Sally's plan and set the facility to blow. While NICOLE pinpoints Tommy's location, Bunnie and the others are hiding from SWATbots and run into Sonic and Sally. However, Rotor notices that "Sally" doesn't have NICOLE with her. A SWATbot prepares eliminate Tommy, but Sonic tears the bot in half. "Sally" and "Sonic" fight Bunnie, Rotor, and Antoine, revealing themselves as Infiltrators. Bunnie and Antoine easily destroy the robotic clones. Tommy reunites with his friends and Rotor contacts Sally, explaining that the bombs are ready and they're trying their best to keep the robots at bay at the helipad. Sonic, with Sally and Tommy in tow, reunites with the rest of the group. The Freedom Fighters are surrounded by robots on all sides when Tails arrives in the Freedom Fighter Special, putting out a smokescreen and offering the group a chance to escape. The Freedom Fighters escape the explosion, having completed their mission. Sonic celebrates how easy it all was, but Sally reminds him that they're going to have to answer to her father for going on a mission without his permission.