| - Slizardo is an alien who worked for Lord Gyconi on the casino asteroid, Monacus. He excelled at being submissive and was often mistreated by Gyconi.
- Slizardo is an alien who worked for Lord Gyconi on the casino asteroid of Monacus. He excelled at being submissive and was often mistreated by Gyconi. Later Slizardo became the trusted partner of Devcon, the bounty hunter. As the smaller of the two, Slizardo was in charge of seeking out bounties, and helping with the financial aspects of Devcon's violent profession. Slizardo has spent enough time in the seedier sides of the galaxy, including Monacus, to have an extensive understanding of the criminal element, and he can usually ferret out who to talk to and whose palms need greasing no matter the locale. When sneaky underhandedness doesn't work, Slizardo isn't slow to use his laser pistol, although with his one eye limiting his depth perception, he usually leaves the heavy stuff to larger
| - Slizardo is an alien who worked for Lord Gyconi on the casino asteroid, Monacus. He excelled at being submissive and was often mistreated by Gyconi.
- Slizardo is an alien who worked for Lord Gyconi on the casino asteroid of Monacus. He excelled at being submissive and was often mistreated by Gyconi. Later Slizardo became the trusted partner of Devcon, the bounty hunter. As the smaller of the two, Slizardo was in charge of seeking out bounties, and helping with the financial aspects of Devcon's violent profession. Slizardo has spent enough time in the seedier sides of the galaxy, including Monacus, to have an extensive understanding of the criminal element, and he can usually ferret out who to talk to and whose palms need greasing no matter the locale. When sneaky underhandedness doesn't work, Slizardo isn't slow to use his laser pistol, although with his one eye limiting his depth perception, he usually leaves the heavy stuff to larger allies. Although known to be one of the scummier players in the Milky Way, Slizardo is still intensely loyal to Devcon, whom he feels he owes his life and freedom. To repay this debt, Slizardo would gladly give his life for his larger, more powerful friend, if needed. In the meantime, however, Slizardo seeks his own destiny, and has since fallen in with Skuxxoid mercenaries.