| - Like all Vorta field supervisors, Keevan was the Dominion official in charge of a Jem'Hadar unit. In early 2374, Keevan and his unit of Jem'Hadar crashed on a class M planetoid within a dark matter nebula in Cardassian space. With his ship destroyed and only a handful of vials of ketracel-white remaining, Keevan was forced to ration it among the ten Jem'Hadar who survived. To make matters worse, Keevan himself received serious injuries in the collision and the unit's communications equipment was heavily damaged, leaving them unable to submit a distress call.
- Keevan was a Vorta under the command of a Jem'Hadar ship in the Alpha Quadrant in the early days of the Dominion War. In 2374, Keevan's ship crashed on an uninhabited planet in a dark matter nebula and he was stranded with his Jem'Hadar soldiers. When a Starfleet-controlled Jem'Hadar fighter under the command of Benjamin Sisko crashed on the planet, Keevan made a deal with Sisko to lead his troops into a trap so they could easily be killed before they went into withdrawal from lack of ketracel-white. Sisko hesitated, but ultimately was forced to carry out the arrangement. Keevan subsequently became a prisoner-of-war. (DS9 episode: "Rocks and Shoals", DS9 - The Dominion War novel: Call to Arms...)
- V roce 2374 velel Keevan jem'hadarské útočné lodi, která ztroskotala na planetoidu třídy M uvnitř tmavé mlhoviny v cardassijském prostoru. Přežilo deset Jem'Hadarů a Keevan, který byl velmi vážně zraněn. Navíc byly zničeny až na několik málo ampulí veškeré zásoby ketracelu bílého. Komunikační zařízení bylo poškozeno, takže nebylo možné vyslat nouzový signál.
- thumb|Keevan (2374) Keevan ist ein Vorta, der bei Sternzeit 51107,2 (2374) von Offizieren der Sternenflotte gefangen genommen wird. Bis dahin steht Keevan im Dienst des Dominion. Nachdem das Schiff, das er kommandiert, auf einem Planeten der Klasse M abgestürzt, er selbst schwer verletzt und beinahe alle Einheiten Ketracel-White zerstört worden sind, muss er feststellen, dass nur zehn seiner Jem'Hadar-Krieger überlebt haben und die Kommunikationseinheit des Schiffes zerstört ist. Keevans „halbtoter“ Körper, der stets gegen eine Wand läuft, wird auf Empok Nor zurückgelassen. (DS9: )
| - thumb|Keevan (2374) Keevan ist ein Vorta, der bei Sternzeit 51107,2 (2374) von Offizieren der Sternenflotte gefangen genommen wird. Bis dahin steht Keevan im Dienst des Dominion. Nachdem das Schiff, das er kommandiert, auf einem Planeten der Klasse M abgestürzt, er selbst schwer verletzt und beinahe alle Einheiten Ketracel-White zerstört worden sind, muss er feststellen, dass nur zehn seiner Jem'Hadar-Krieger überlebt haben und die Kommunikationseinheit des Schiffes zerstört ist. Einige Tage später stürzt auch der von Captain Sisko kommandierte Jem'Hadar-Angriffsjäger auf demselben Planeten ab. Keevan befiehlt seinen Jem'Hadar, Nog und Elim Garak, die auch an Bord des anderen Schiffes sind, gefangen zu nehmen, um von der Sternenflottenbesatzung medizinische Hilfe durch Julian Bashir zu erpressen. Von seinen Wunden geheilt, macht Keevan Sisko den Vorschlag, seine Jem'Hadar das Basislager der Sternenflotte angreifen zu lassen, ihm jedoch den Angriffsplan zu verraten, damit alle Jem'Hadar getötet würden, denn er weiß, dass sie ihn umbringen würden, sobald das White zur Neige ginge. Der Plan ging auf und kurz darauf findet sich Keevan in einem Gefängnis der Sternenflotte als Kriegsgefangener wieder. Trotz dieser Tatsache ist er froh, zu leben. (DS9: ) Im selben Jahr noch gerät Ishka, die Mutter des Ferengi Quark, in die Hände des Dominion. Um einen Gefangenenaustausch vorzunehmen, wird Quark erlaubt, Keevan als Tauschobjekt zu benutzen. Also wird Keevan auf die Raumstation Empok Nor gebracht, wo der Austausch stattfinden soll. Kurz bevor der Austausch jedoch stattfinden kann, wird Keevan von Gaila, Quarks Cousin, erschossen, so dass die Ferengi kein Objekt zum Tausch mehr zur Verfügung haben. Auf Nogs Vorschlag hin, werden Keevans totem Körper einige Neuralstimulatoren eingesetzt, durch die es Nog ermöglicht wird, mit Hilfe des Tricorders Impulse in Keevans Nervenbahnen zu implizieren. Die Gegenseite fällt auf die Täuschung herein und der Tausch kann vollzogen werden. Keevans „halbtoter“ Körper, der stets gegen eine Wand läuft, wird auf Empok Nor zurückgelassen. (DS9: ) Keevan wurde von Christopher Shea gespielt und von Oliver Feld synchronisiert.
- Keevan was a Vorta under the command of a Jem'Hadar ship in the Alpha Quadrant in the early days of the Dominion War. In 2374, Keevan's ship crashed on an uninhabited planet in a dark matter nebula and he was stranded with his Jem'Hadar soldiers. When a Starfleet-controlled Jem'Hadar fighter under the command of Benjamin Sisko crashed on the planet, Keevan made a deal with Sisko to lead his troops into a trap so they could easily be killed before they went into withdrawal from lack of ketracel-white. Sisko hesitated, but ultimately was forced to carry out the arrangement. Keevan subsequently became a prisoner-of-war. (DS9 episode: "Rocks and Shoals", DS9 - The Dominion War novel: Call to Arms...) After Ishka was captured by the Dominion, Kira Nerys persuaded Sisko to have Keevan handed over to Quark to be exchanged for his mother. Keevan was accidentally killed by Gaila on Empok Nor, and had to be crudely reanimated by Nog to make the prisoner exchange. Growing desperate, Nog engineered a series of neural stimulators to take control of Keevan's body and motor functions, thereby making it appear as if he was alive long enough to secure Ishka's release. After killing the Jem'Hadar escort and capturing the Vorta Yelgrun , the Ferengi left Empok Nor, leaving Keevan's body continually walking into a bulkhead due to a jammed transceiver, much to Nog's amusement. (DS9 episode: "The Magnificent Ferengi") Keevan (or one of his clones) was not a skilled commander, but was highly experienced and devious. (DS9 video game: Dominion Wars) In an alternate timeline, clones of Keevan were created on Rondac III. (DS9 - Millennium novel: Inferno)
- V roce 2374 velel Keevan jem'hadarské útočné lodi, která ztroskotala na planetoidu třídy M uvnitř tmavé mlhoviny v cardassijském prostoru. Přežilo deset Jem'Hadarů a Keevan, který byl velmi vážně zraněn. Navíc byly zničeny až na několik málo ampulí veškeré zásoby ketracelu bílého. Komunikační zařízení bylo poškozeno, takže nebylo možné vyslat nouzový signál. Shodou okolností, o několik dnů později ztroskotala na stejné planetě jiná em'Hadar|jem'hadarská loď - jediná útočná loď, kterou infiltrovala Hvězdná flotila. Zoufalý Keevan pověřil svého třetího Jem'Hadara Remata'Klana, aby nabídl jednotce Hvězdné flotily nabídku; výměnu zajatců Noga a Elima Garaka za pomoc doktora Bashira a setkání s kapitánem Siskem. Poté, co Bashir zachránil Keevanův život, ten jim nabídl prostý obchod: pošle Jem'Hadary, aby zničili tábor Hvězdné flotily, ale kapitánu Siskovi předem prozradí podrobný plán útoku. Ten může poté eliminovat hrozbu Jem'Hadarů bez jakýchkoliv ztrát na své straně. Keevan toto musel udělat, protože věděl, že ketracel dlouho nevydrží, a poté by byl Jem'Hadary nemilosrdně zabit. Hvězdná flotila tedy byla jedinou jeho nadějí na přežití. Keevanův plán vyšel bez chyby. Siskův tým zabil Remata'Klana i ostatní jem'hadarské vojáky, a Keevan se vzdal. Poskytl také komunikační zařízení ze své lodi, které náčelník O'Brien opravil. Poté se Keevan stal válečným zajatcem Federace. Keevan doplnil, že kdyby mu zůstaly dvě lahvičky ketracelu, Sisko by proti Jem'Hadarům neměl žádnou šanci. (DS9: Rocks and Shoals) Později téhož roku se Keevan stal částí dohody o výměně zajatců mezi Ferengskou aliancí a Dominionem. Federace svolila Quarkovi nabídnout Keevana Dominionu výměnou za Ishku, Quarkovu matku. (Kira Nerys přemluvila Siska a Federaci k vydání Keevana jako díky Quarkovi za záchranu jejího života před několika měsíci.) Avšak Keevan byl náhodně zabit Ferengem Gailou chvíli před výměnou vězňů na palubě stanice Empok Nor. Poslední Keevanova slova byla "Nenávidím Ferengy..." Zoufalý Nog umístil do Keevanova těla sérii neurálních stimulátorů pro kontrolu mimických funkcí, a spolu s Quarkem předstírali že je Keevan stále naživu, dokud nebyla výměna dokončena a oni neopustili Empok Nor. (DS9: The Magnificent Ferengi)
- Like all Vorta field supervisors, Keevan was the Dominion official in charge of a Jem'Hadar unit. In early 2374, Keevan and his unit of Jem'Hadar crashed on a class M planetoid within a dark matter nebula in Cardassian space. With his ship destroyed and only a handful of vials of ketracel-white remaining, Keevan was forced to ration it among the ten Jem'Hadar who survived. To make matters worse, Keevan himself received serious injuries in the collision and the unit's communications equipment was heavily damaged, leaving them unable to submit a distress call. Fortunately for Keevan another Jem'Hadar attack ship, containing Captain Benjamin Sisko and his crew on a secret mission to infiltrate Dominion space, also crashed on the planet just a few days later. The Jem'Hadar in Keevan's unit were able to successfully capture Ensign Nog and Elim Garak from the ship, whom Keevan then ordered to be traded for the services of a Starfleet doctor to treat his injuries. Following his orders, Third Remata'Klan organized a meeting with Captain Sisko and the exchange was carried out, with Doctor Julian Bashir returning to the Jem'Hadar camp, where he successfully healed Keevan. After recovering from Bashir's treatment, Keevan knew that once the ketracel-white had run out, the Jem'Hadar would turn on him and each other. Realizing this, he offered Captain Sisko a trade; he would order his Jem'Hadar to attack the Starfleet camp but would reveal the attack plan to Sisko beforehand, allowing the Starfleet crew to eliminate the Jem'Hadar with ease. In return, Keevan would surrender to Sisko and escape death by becoming a prisoner of war. When Keevan presented himself for surrender, he was smug and emotionally cold towards the events that had happened promoting Captain Sisko to be visibly disgusted as he ordered Keevan to be restrained while ordering other crew members to form a burial detail. When asked by a fan why Keevan was so afraid of being killed, writer Ronald D. Moore replied, "Although Keevan may at some point be slated for cloning by the Dominion, the individual seen in "Rocks and Shoals" would be dead and that certainly did not appeal to Keevan." (AOL chat, 1997 ) Though Sisko was reluctant to accept the plan at first, when Keevan informed him the Jem'Hadar would be attacking his camp regardless, Sisko had no choice but to relent. In the ensuing firefight, all of Keevan's unit were swiftly killed at the cost of one Starfleet officer, Ensign Paul Gordon. Following the battle, Keevan surrendered himself and the Jem'Hadar communications device to Captain Sisko, resulting in his escape from the planet and subsequent imprisonment by Starfleet. (DS9: "Rocks and Shoals") Later that year, Keevan was used as part of a bargain for a prisoner exchange between the Ferengi Alliance and the Dominion. Following the capture of Quark's mother Ishka, Major Kira Nerys convinced Starfleet to allow Quark to trade Keevan in exchange for his mother's freedom, in return for saving her from incarceration during the occupation of Deep Space 9 months earlier. Quark, along with his team of Ferengi, transported a handcuffed Keevan to the abandoned Cardassian space station Empok Nor where the exchange was to take place. While on the station, Quark's cousin Gaila took first watch over Keevan but soon fell asleep, giving Keevan an opportunity to escape. Though he managed to make it to their ship, Quark had earlier told his brother Rom disable the impulse engines, thereby preventing Keevan from departing. Keevan was discovered by Quark and eventually led back to the station's infirmary in time for the exchange. However, during a heated argument between Quark and Gaila, Gaila accidentally shot and killed Keevan before the transfer could happen, necessitating another plan of action. Growing desperate, Nog engineered a series of neural stimulators to take control of Keevan's body and motor functions, thereby making it appear as if he was alive long enough to secure Ishka's release. After killing the Jem'Hadar and capturing the Vorta Yelgrun, the Ferengi left Empok Nor, leaving Keevan's body continually walking into a bulkhead due to a jammed transceiver, much to Nog's amusement. (DS9: "The Magnificent Ferengi")