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- El ciento setenta y dos (172) es el número natural que sigue al 171 y precede al 172. Categoría:Números
- Nach Julians Ankündigung, die Scheidung erst mal aufzuschieben, redet sich Jenny ein, ihn zurück gewinnen zu können. Begeistert plant sie einen Liebesurlaub für sich und Julian - nicht ahnend, dass Oliver in ihrem Blut auf Unstimmigkeiten hinsichtlich ihres Selbstmordversuches gestoßen ist. Nina hat sich damit arrangiert, dass Tim ihre Sucht finanziert und sucht nun nach einem Weg, ihn fester an sich zu binden. Diana fühlt sich von Roman Vorschlag, mit Oliver zusammen zu ziehen, völlig überrumpelt. Zwar äußert sie ihre Bedenken nicht laut, doch Oliver spürt ihre Unsicherheit.
- Number 172 was an item on The List
- [[Plik:172_Dolna_(by_BartekBD).jpg|thumb|right|250px|Autobus Solaris Urbino 15 na linii 172 na przystanku Dolna]] 172 – linia autobusowa zwykła (rozkład jazdy), która kursuje z Centrum Handlowego Blue City na Sadybę. Linię obsługują zajezdnia autobusowa WoroniczaKategoria:Linie obsługiwane przez Zajezdnię Woronicza i zajezdnia autobusowa KleszczowaKategoria:Linie obsługiwane przez Zajezdnię Kleszczowa.
- Mrs. Johnson dusts the Cottage noisily; Mrs. Johnson claims the séance and other 'goings-on' have her on edge. Mrs. Johnson agrees that, although it's generally not a good idea to take a Collins away from Collinsport, maybe Laura's taking David would be a good thing for the lad. She also laments Victoria's fate, why is she mixed up in this whole mess? And why did she cry out in sheer terror last night?
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| - Shot out a tail light on a blue pick-up truck
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| - 172
- El ciento setenta y dos (172) es el número natural que sigue al 171 y precede al 172. Categoría:Números
- Nach Julians Ankündigung, die Scheidung erst mal aufzuschieben, redet sich Jenny ein, ihn zurück gewinnen zu können. Begeistert plant sie einen Liebesurlaub für sich und Julian - nicht ahnend, dass Oliver in ihrem Blut auf Unstimmigkeiten hinsichtlich ihres Selbstmordversuches gestoßen ist. Nina hat sich damit arrangiert, dass Tim ihre Sucht finanziert und sucht nun nach einem Weg, ihn fester an sich zu binden. Diana fühlt sich von Roman Vorschlag, mit Oliver zusammen zu ziehen, völlig überrumpelt. Zwar äußert sie ihre Bedenken nicht laut, doch Oliver spürt ihre Unsicherheit.
- Number 172 was an item on The List
- Mrs. Johnson dusts the Cottage noisily; Mrs. Johnson claims the séance and other 'goings-on' have her on edge. Mrs. Johnson agrees that, although it's generally not a good idea to take a Collins away from Collinsport, maybe Laura's taking David would be a good thing for the lad. She also laments Victoria's fate, why is she mixed up in this whole mess? And why did she cry out in sheer terror last night? Laura can't give Mrs. Johnson one good reason as to why Victoria was in 'such a state'. Mrs. Johnson tells Laura that Victoria is sensible, not high-strung, but they both concur that everyone at Collinwood's changing. Mrs. Johnson's motto is 'leave well enough alone'. Mrs. Johnson wants to know what Guthrie's doctoring. Mrs. Johnson continues to question the motives and credentials of Guthrie, detecting an additional fishy scent in town. She plans to keep Guthrie away from Victoria. Laura slyly thinks that might be a wise idea. As Mrs. Johnson attempts to put out the fire so she can clean the hearth, Laura becomes anxious and orders her to leave it alone. Laura reiterates her desire that the fire be kept burning at all times. Mrs. Johnson, rattled, leaves. Mrs. Johnson visits Burke at the Collinsport Inn with free information about the séance at Collinwood, the intention for which was to learn about Elizabeth's illness. Mrs. Johnson recounts how Victoria, Carolyn, Guthrie, Roger and Laura held the séance, including Victoria's speaking French and collapse. Burke resolves that something must be done about Guthrie; he doesn't want his quarrel with the Collins family to affect Victoria. Burke orders Mrs. Johnson to keep an eye on the governess. Burke calls his lawyer, Grant, to put him on the Guthrie case... today! Back at Collinwood, Guthrie's attempt to look in on Victoria is thwarted by Mrs. Johnson, who tells the doctor the only way he'll see Victoria is over her body! Mrs. Johnson also stops Laura from going up to see Victoria and tells her that Carolyn's taken David into town. Laura can't think of an excuse to get up the stairs. They hear moaning emanating from the Drawing room, and Mrs. Johnson tells Laura that Guthrie's doing homework. Laura learns that Guthrie has a tape recording of the séance, which he found fascinating but she thought was a failure. Guthrie is excited by Victoria's fainting. He thinks it was a revealing and successful occurrence. He promises to tell Laura what his analysis have revealed once he's got all the information. He does give her a hint that there seem to be several phenomena mutually occurring at Collinwood. Laura thinks that Guthrie's taping the séance was a clever manœuvre; he plans to get an objective reading of the séance from the recording. Laura calls Guthrie crafty and can't wait to satisfy her curiosity about knowing what is on the tape, which she stares at intently. Burke shows up at the Cottage and insults Laura's choice of husbands. He demands to know what's going on; Laura corrects his tone and says they should remain allies. He tells Laura of his intentions to protect Victoria; Laura and Burke set their sights on Guthrie, who's not a policeman because Roger wouldn't allow a policeman in there. Laura insists Carolyn is working counter to Laura and Burke's plans. Guthrie's in a panic, and plays the tape for Mrs. Johnson. Nothing but the sound of crackling fire can be heard on the tape.
- [[Plik:172_Dolna_(by_BartekBD).jpg|thumb|right|250px|Autobus Solaris Urbino 15 na linii 172 na przystanku Dolna]] 172 – linia autobusowa zwykła (rozkład jazdy), która kursuje z Centrum Handlowego Blue City na Sadybę. Linię obsługują zajezdnia autobusowa WoroniczaKategoria:Linie obsługiwane przez Zajezdnię Woronicza i zajezdnia autobusowa KleszczowaKategoria:Linie obsługiwane przez Zajezdnię Kleszczowa.
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