Wister was one of the actual sailors on the Suncurl.
Wister was the brother of Draco and one of the Andain lieutenants of Kagetsu I in both the War of the Andain and during the reconstruction of Maar Sul. Unflaggingly loyal, he managed the Home Guard's Covert Operations department under the alias of G during the Arawn Losstarot War. The House of Wisteria is descended from Wister.
Wister a Zsivány osztag pilótája volt YU 4-ben.
Wister was a male Human pilot in Rogue Squadron.
Osallistuttuaan Endorin taisteluun Wister palveli kolmen päivän ajan Konna kakkosena. Hän kuoli taistellessaan Executorin jäänteitä vastaan aluksen tuhouduttua taistelun aikana. Ilmeisesti hänellä oli tunteellisia siteitä Kirstiin, joka suri hänen kuolemaansa syvästi. Wedge Antilles lähetti kirjeen Wisterin sukulaisille ilmoittaakseeen näille tämän kuolemasta.
Wister was one of the actual sailors on the Suncurl.
Wister was the brother of Draco and one of the Andain lieutenants of Kagetsu I in both the War of the Andain and during the reconstruction of Maar Sul. Unflaggingly loyal, he managed the Home Guard's Covert Operations department under the alias of G during the Arawn Losstarot War. The House of Wisteria is descended from Wister.