The Monster Close To Home is a 2012 American Supernatural Thriller Horror film written by James DeMonaco and directed by Richard Donner starring Ellen Pompeo, Ed Helms, Chris Rock, Julie Delpy, Zac Efron, Michael Mandell and Qing Xu and featuring a child cast comprising of Asa Buterfield, Maisie Williams, Odeya Rush, Alex Wolff, Zoe Weizenbaum and Brennan Bailey. The film was released on May 26th, 2012 and released on DVD and Blu-Ray Disc on October 18th, 2012. The film is produced and presented by George Clooney.
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| - The Monster Close To Home is a 2012 American Supernatural Thriller Horror film written by James DeMonaco and directed by Richard Donner starring Ellen Pompeo, Ed Helms, Chris Rock, Julie Delpy, Zac Efron, Michael Mandell and Qing Xu and featuring a child cast comprising of Asa Buterfield, Maisie Williams, Odeya Rush, Alex Wolff, Zoe Weizenbaum and Brennan Bailey. The film was released on May 26th, 2012 and released on DVD and Blu-Ray Disc on October 18th, 2012. The film is produced and presented by George Clooney.
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| - The Monster Close To Home is a 2012 American Supernatural Thriller Horror film written by James DeMonaco and directed by Richard Donner starring Ellen Pompeo, Ed Helms, Chris Rock, Julie Delpy, Zac Efron, Michael Mandell and Qing Xu and featuring a child cast comprising of Asa Buterfield, Maisie Williams, Odeya Rush, Alex Wolff, Zoe Weizenbaum and Brennan Bailey. The film was released on May 26th, 2012 and released on DVD and Blu-Ray Disc on October 18th, 2012. The film is produced and presented by George Clooney.