| - Sardu Sallowe was a Tusken Raider from Tatooine who eventually left his home planet to search for his fortune off-world as a bounty hunter. Due to the excellent tracking skills he had developed during his early life, he became a very successful bounty hunter, coming to the attention of Embra the Hutt. Sallowe worked with the likes of 4-LOM and Zuckuss, as well as a group of Jawas who regularly assisted him. His most famous achievement came shortly before the Battle of Yavin, when Sallowe, 4-LOM and Zuckuss were hired by Embra to retrieve the fabled Yavin Vassilika. The group found themselves competing with teams working for the rival Hutts Jabba and Malta, yet were able to keep up with the competition as the search led them to Kalkovak, Mon Calamari, and deep into Wild Space. The Vassilika eventually fell into the hands of Malta's handmaiden, Jozzel Moffet, who planned to sell it to the Rebel Alliance on Yavin 4. Sallowe was among those who pursued her there and, after Moffet was killed by Embra's assistant Farquil Ban'n, the Bith handmaiden took Moffet's payment for herself and provided Sallowe and Zuckuss with a replica to return to Embra. Though they had won the race, most of their reward was spent repairing the damage that 4-LOM sustained during the treasure hunt.