| - The Irritator is an animal available on FarmVille.
- Vivio en el cretacico media hace aproximadamente 110 millones de años, encontrado en Brasil, loque es sudamerica en el año de 1996. el unico fosil es u craneo de 80 centimetros y pudo llegar a medir 8 metros de largo y 3 metros de alto. Es posible que se trate de Angaturama limai, ya que curiosamente vivieron en el mismo lugar y el esqueleto de este parece terminar en el craneo de Irritator. Su dieta estaba compuesta de peces, yaque sus mandíbulas son muy parecidas a las del cocodrilo. Se le bautizo con ese nombre debido a la irritacion que les provoco a los científicos reconstruir el craneo de Irritator.
- Irritator's name comes from the irritation scientists felt when they realized that the original skull had been doctored with plaster to be elongated for a higher commercial value. Some reconstructions show Irritator with a crest on its nose instead of its head.
- El Irritator es un dinosaurio de tipo agua parecido al Spinosaurio,pero sin cresta y en pequeño tiene una version alpha: el Ex Irritator alpha.Es Spinosaurido mide 8 metros y puede pesar una tonelada.
- Irritator is a genus of spinosaurid dinosaur that lived in the early Cretaceous Period (Albian stage), around 110 million years ago. Current estimations indicate a length of 8 meters (26 feet) and a weight of 2-3 tons. It was found in Brazil. Irritator was a theropod with an unusually shaped crest at the rear of its head, and probably ate fish. So far the only fossil that has been found was an 80 centimeter long fossil skull in the Romualdo Member, a layer member of the Brazilian Santana formation. This skull strongly resembles the skulls of Suchomimus and Spinosaurus. The genus is often regarded today as identical (synonymous) with Angaturama, which lived in the same time and the same place as Irritator.
- So far the only fossil that has been found was an 80 centimeter long fossil skull in the Romualdo Member, a layer member of the Brazilian Santana formation. This skull strongly resembles the skulls of Suchomimus and Spinosaurus. The genus is often regarded today as identical (synonymous) with Angaturama, which lived in the same time and the same place as Irritator.
- Irritator is a genus of spinosaurid dinosaur that lived in the early Cretaceous Period (Albian stage), around 110 million years ago. Current estimations indicate a length of 8 meters (26 feet) and a height of 3 meters (9 feet). It was found in Brazil. Irritator was a theropod with an unusually shaped crest at the rear of its head, and probably ate fish.
- Il a été nommé par les paléontologues Martill, Cruikshank, Frey, Small & Clarke en 1996. Irritator est lié à l'état d'irritation dont lequel étaient ces-derniers en constatant que son seul fossile connu, un crâne de 80 cm découvert au Brésil, avait été très obscurci par du plâtre ajouté par les paléontologues amateurs qui l'avaient découvert, et avait requis un grand effort de restauration — d'où le nom. Le nom de l'espèce challengeri vient du personnage du professeur Challenger créé par Arthur Conan Doyle dans le roman Le Monde perdu.
- Irritator is a genus of spinosaurid dinosaur that lived during the Early Cretaceous Period (Albian stage), around 110 million years ago. Current estimations indicate a length of 8 meters (26 feet) and a height of 3 meters (9 feet). It was found in Brazil. Irritator was a theropod with an unusually shaped crest at the rear of its head, and probably ate fish.