| - Gargant is an important antagonist in the Onimusha series. Although he is important to the plot, he doesn't appear as a boss in any game. Like Marcellus, Gargant is an Oni warrior turned genma demon. He worked his way up the demon ladder and serves as Nobunaga's right hand man, and was one of the greatest Genma warriors during his time. He is a good friend of fellow demon swordsman Gogandantess, and like him has a strong sense of honor and respect for his opponents.
- Gargant is the first person Peeper interviews on WARS. Statements preceding his interview indicate he lives in Twain Cottage.
- I gargant sono insetti molto grandi e resistenti, e possono trasportare carichi molto pesanti attraverso i numerosi sistemi di grotte di Gaya. Essi possono fungere da mezzi di trasporto occasionali per merci e addirittura persone: benchè siano sempre in movimento sulle interminabili radici dell'albero di Iifa, essi possono essere bloccati e avvicinati proprio come si farebbe con un chocobo: attirandoli con la loro pianta preferita. La gargantina è una pianta da fiore che cresce solo nelle grotte abitate dai gargant. Un solo fiore può bloccare anche il gargant più veloce. Nonostante le loro dimensioni e il loro aspetto, sono molto docili, e si spaventano facilmente alla sola vista dei loro mortali nemici: i Larvada e i Larvadyus.
- Gargant was a traitorous Oni who betrayed his clan and swore his allegiance to the nefarious Demon Lord Fortinbras. After the demise of Fortinbras, he had yielded his position as the righthand man under the new Genma Lord Nobunaga.
- It is called by feeding it dandelion type flowers known as Gargant Grass. Despite its size, it can be spooked by even bigger monsters, such as the Ralvurahva. It is used several times during the story in Gargan Roo and later Fossil Roo. The player's party is safe from enemies while riding the Gargant; although, there are bosses in Gargan Roo. Zidane implies that there are wild Gargants in Gaia wherever there is Gargant Grass, as he suggests catching one and using it to climb the Iifa Tree, having seen the plant nearby.
- For defence, Gargants generate Power Fields that are the Ork equivalent of an Imperial Titan's gravitic Void Shields; however, while Gargants tend to have more intense and reflective Power Fields than an Imperial Titan, they cannot regenerate these during the battle as a Titan is able to do.