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- Famille Nature de Chakra Traits Uniques Jutsu Armes Akio est le petit frère de Todoroki.
- Es un niño de corta edad y de piel blanca, estatura baja aunque normal para su edad, tiene el pelo de color negro, largo, sujeto con una cinta de color ocre que lo despeja de su frente, sus ojos son de color negro al igual que su pelo. Tiene una camiseta azul oscuro y por encima una de tirantas de color verde.
- Akio ist der kleine Bruder von Todoroki. Er wurde beim einem Feuer von Gantetsu gerettet, allerdings für tot erklärt, weil man ihn nicht fand. Er lebte seitdem mit Gantetsu zusammen. Er ist ein kleiner, braunhaariger Junge. Er trägt einen grünen Pullunder mit einem blauen Kapuzen-T-Shirt. Er stammt aus dem Wald-Reich.
- is the younger brother of Todoroki.
- Akio (アキオ, Akio) es el hermano menor de Todoroki.
- Akio is a chunin level shinobi from Sunagakure. He was born in Konohagakure, but with the death if his mother and his father's increasingly violent tendencies, he ran away to Suna at the age of 7, taking his 4 year old sister with him as well. As of now he is an accomplished shinobi along with his sister. He currently resides within the village with his sister, Hana.
- Akio (Sunna en inglés, Sunna-chihō en japonés) es una región, cuyo paisaje se basa en la provincia de Córdoba, España.
- Akio was Black Satan's owner, who died of an unknown illness. He was from a poor family. Black Satan had been very loyal to his master and it Akio dug up the body from the grave and took it with Komaga-top. Black Satan to guard the body for two years, until it died of self-oteltuaan Yamato and jumbo jets against. Black Satan died next to his late master. After this, the villagers found the body and buried it again.
- He is friends with Rocky, Rock, Stone, Storm, and Daniel.
- In a world covered with vast wilderness, a lone mansion looms ominously over the horizon... This seemingly harmless locale is the birthplace of an epic adventure, through uncharted frontiers, dangerous jungles, and even the ruins of a forgotten nation. This legendary tale starts out with the story of a boy named Akio fleeing Windhaven manor, and leaving a letter of his departure at the doorstep. As the sun rises, Akio heads out again with his companion to search for a source to grant him the powers of the anceint magics, unknowing to the dangers that lie beyond the horizon...