| - The game itself is a visual novel where the player assumes the role of Koyomi Araragi, the male protagonist in the original light novels. During parts of dialogue between characters, animated 3D sprites would move and talk in the same style as that of the anime series. This includes most of the effects present in the anime, like "black" and "red" frames that flash in the screen, and selected scenes from selected episodes. The progress of the story will depend on the choices of the player. The main story mode of the game has a generally linear plot which closely follows the story of the light novels. This is divided into five major story arcs which are named after the character the story is focused on: Hitagi Crab, Mayoi Snail, Suruga Monkey, Nadeko Snake and Tsubasa Cat, in proper order. During the progress of the main story mode, the player enters a "battle mode" which pits him against a character relevant to the story. The objective is to decrease the assigned hit points to that character to 0. However, unlike the traditional battle mechanics in most fantasy role-playing games, the means of doing so is through choosing a reply to that character's dialogue, which would affect both the character's response and hit points. Choosing carefully will allow the player to proceed to the next stage of the story.