| - He is utilised in the Construction skill, specifically during the construction of a player's Quest Hall.
- Maps for a house's Quest Hall are purchased from Sir Renitee for 1,000 coins. They require 51 (small map), 101 (medium map), or 151 (large map) quest points. Each map type also has a Construction level requirement before it can be hung in the house; check the Quest Hall page. Sir Renitee can paint portraits of people that a player has met. These portraits can be hung in the Quest Hall, and each portrait has an associated quest requirement: At level 65 Construction, players who have completed the required adventure sets can spend 2,000 coins to purchase and hang:
| - He is utilised in the Construction skill, specifically during the construction of a player's Quest Hall.
- Maps for a house's Quest Hall are purchased from Sir Renitee for 1,000 coins. They require 51 (small map), 101 (medium map), or 151 (large map) quest points. Each map type also has a Construction level requirement before it can be hung in the house; check the Quest Hall page. Sir Renitee can paint portraits of people that a player has met. These portraits can be hung in the Quest Hall, and each portrait has an associated quest requirement:
* Elena portrait - requires Plague City
* King Arthur portrait - requires Merlin's Crystal and Holy Grail
* Miscellanians portrait - requires Throne of Miscellania
* The Giant Dwarf portrait - requires The Giant Dwarf Sir Renitee's painting skills extend to landscapes, as well as people. Players who have completed the required adventure sets can spend 2,000 coins to purchase these portraits, and can hang them once you reach Level 44 construction:
* Lumbridge painting - requires Cook's Assistant, Rune Mysteries, Sheep Shearer and The Restless Ghost;
* Desert painting - requires Prince Ali Rescue, Tourist Trap, The Feud, and The Golem
* Morytania painting - requires Ghosts Ahoy, Shades of Mort'ton, Creature of Fenkenstrain, and Haunted Mine. At level 65 Construction, players who have completed the required adventure sets can spend 2,000 coins to purchase and hang:
* Karamja painting - requires Pirate's Treasure, Shilo Village, and Tai Bwo Wannai Trio.
* Isafdar painting - requires Roving Elves (required for the Western Provinces hard diary).