| - The deliberative body for the Falenan government up until it's abolition in 450 after the events of the Falenan Civil War. The Falenan Senate was assembled from the heads of major noble households throughout the Queendom. Officially, the Senate existed merely as a forum for political discussion while also passing recommendations on national policy to the Queen. In fact, in the past, the Senate was not allowed to propose policy that the Queen had not already authorised. However, with the rise of power between the House of Godwin and the House of Barows, the Senate became a highly influential body able to push it's proposed policies through by sheer weight of numbers. Although a step forward for representative government, the Senate quickly became polarised between the two leading houses and turned into little more than an area for political one-upmanship between the Houses of Godwin and Barows, eventually causing the country to break out in civil war, twice, the first incident occurring in 438 and the second occurring in 449 and lasting until the following year. After the House of Godwin's puppet government was overthrown and dismantled at the end of the civil war, the Senate was abolished by Queen Lymsleia Falenas and a new government body, the New Parliament, was established. Please help us improve Suikoden Wikia by creating or editing any of our articles.