The Ultimate Star Wars Saga is a fan fiction continuity created by Adam "Grand Admiral" Harmon (and later Ano-User) to take an alternative approach to the series as seen by Adam "Grand Admiral" Harmon. It describes the history of the galaxy from 118 BBY to 25,000 ABY. One of the main focuses was the rise and fall of Darth Vader and Anakin Skywalker, two Jedi of the Old Jedi Order. Main characters come from the families of Harmon and Skywalker. Major events described in the Saga are the Shadow Wars, Clone Wars, Galactic Civil War, War of the Resurrected Emperor, Second Yuzzhan'Vong War,War of Worlds and War of Imperial Rebirth. It was began during 2007.
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| - The Ultimate Star Wars Saga is a fan fiction continuity created by Adam "Grand Admiral" Harmon (and later Ano-User) to take an alternative approach to the series as seen by Adam "Grand Admiral" Harmon. It describes the history of the galaxy from 118 BBY to 25,000 ABY. One of the main focuses was the rise and fall of Darth Vader and Anakin Skywalker, two Jedi of the Old Jedi Order. Main characters come from the families of Harmon and Skywalker. Major events described in the Saga are the Shadow Wars, Clone Wars, Galactic Civil War, War of the Resurrected Emperor, Second Yuzzhan'Vong War,War of Worlds and War of Imperial Rebirth. It was began during 2007.
| - * Old Republic
*Rise of the Empire
*New Republic
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| - * Episode I: The Guardians of Peace and Justice
* Episode II: The Civilized Age
* Episode III: The Dark Side of the Force
* Episode IV: The Last Hope
* Episode V: The Agent of Evil
* Episode VI: The Master of Evil
* Episode VII: The Imperial Civil War
* Episode VIII: Return of the Sith
* Episode IX: The True Nature of the Force
* Episode X: Fury of the Sith
* Episode XI: The Elite Mandalorians
* Episode XII: Balance of The Force
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| - *Grand Admiral Harmon
| - The Truth from a Certain Point of View
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| - The Ultimate Star Wars Saga is a fan fiction continuity created by Adam "Grand Admiral" Harmon (and later Ano-User) to take an alternative approach to the series as seen by Adam "Grand Admiral" Harmon. It describes the history of the galaxy from 118 BBY to 25,000 ABY. One of the main focuses was the rise and fall of Darth Vader and Anakin Skywalker, two Jedi of the Old Jedi Order. Main characters come from the families of Harmon and Skywalker. Major events described in the Saga are the Shadow Wars, Clone Wars, Galactic Civil War, War of the Resurrected Emperor, Second Yuzzhan'Vong War,War of Worlds and War of Imperial Rebirth. It was began during 2007. Novels in the series include Rise to Imperial Glory. Series include the Harmon Chronicles, Shadow Wars, Sith Civil War Duologue, the Clone Wars and Jedi Warrior Trilogy. Planned books and series include, Heirs of an Empire, and Insurrection. The Saga has received a positive reception on online communities such as the Dark Sith Lords community and the Eternal Empire (both being of the same group but the later being a more recent site for the Eternal Empire). It has even gotten to the point of influencing the official time-line of the Eternal empire.
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