[[Category:]] Dehydration was a powerful wizard spell that combined the schools of alteration and necromancy to devastating effect. It was used commonly by the members of the Brotherhood of the True Flame in Zakhara, the Land of Fate.
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| - [[Category:]] Dehydration was a powerful wizard spell that combined the schools of alteration and necromancy to devastating effect. It was used commonly by the members of the Brotherhood of the True Flame in Zakhara, the Land of Fate.
- Dehydration is the excessive loss of body water, with an accompanying disruption of metabolic processes. In 2009 the several civilians who chose to remain on the planet Eden in the hope of better survival than on Destiny died of hypothermia by the extreme winter. (SGU: "Visitation")
- A common side-effect of alcohol consumption.
- The ability could be used to draw away all the water from a person's body, killing them and leaving a dried out husk of a corpse. It could also be used on dead organic material, such as turning grapes into currants. It didn't seem to have the potential to dehydrate vast bodies of water, like lakes or seas. The woman needed contact to use the ability, and she could activate it consciously, but once activated she couldn't deactivate it. She wasn't immune to it - she was killed when she tried to use it on another and her hands were then forced to her own face.
- The user can remove water from objects and/or organisms, possibly by severe perspiration, dryness, and transpiration on people/objects. Long exposure can cause organisms to become skeletal, soon dying due to total lack of water.
- Dehydration, is a derived statistic in Fallout: New Vegas.
- Dehydration is a Lich King heroic achievement needed for the Glory of the Hero achievement, rewarding the Reins of the Red Proto-Drake.
- Dehydration is a condition caused by an insufficient amount of water in the body. Outside of hospitals, it is generally the result of lack of water, such as might occur when a person is stranded in an arid environment. However, it is not uncommon in hospitals with patients with several common conditions being at risk. The three main causes are: - Inability to take in oral fluids, as is common with patients suffering from severe nausea or taking chemotherapy. The most common treatment is intravenous fluids.
- Those with diabetes are at risk for dehydration as it is triggered by hyperglycemia. Dehydration can change the way subcutaneous insulin is absorbed, causing either hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia. Excessive thirst (medical term polydipsia [pah-lee-DIP-see-uh]; abreviated as PD) is a symptom of diabetes. Diabetic animals often drink incessantly because they are dehydrated from the cell-dehydrating effects of hyperglycemia, plus the effects of their bodies casting off the excess glucose through urination, taking hydration with it. The process also removes electrolytes the body needs to function properly such as potassium, sodium and chloride also.
- Common symptoms of dehydration included increased thirst and tiredness. (VOY: "Ex Post Facto") In some humanoids (such as Arkonians), dehydration caused acute cellular breakdown which increased the risk of transporter accidents. (ENT: "Dawn") When in an environment conducive to dehydration (such as a desert), breathing through one's nose helped to prevent the body from losing too much water. Captain Jean-Luc Picard recommended this to Wesley Crusher when the pair crash-landed on the moon Lambda Paz in 2367. (TNG: "Final Mission" )
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Row 1 info
| - Remove water from objects and/or organisms
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ability to
| - draw out all the water from organic material
| - Dizziness, dry mouth, disorientation, labored breathing, flaky skin
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| - Lich King Heroic
- derived
- Physiological