| - A character becomes an abstract concept like hope or love, whether literally or in a metaphorical sense. There are many ways this could happen. For example:
* The character willingly abandons their previous life and physical form in order to ascend to a higher plane of existence.
* The character killed the previous incarnation of the abstract concept, so they must take its place as an Anthropomorphic Personification.
* The character obtains this in a metaphorical sense through purity of action. For example, a Big Bad is so evil and so spiteful that it becomes a being of pure hate. Often overlaps with:
* Anthropomorphic Personification, if the character becomes an Anthropomorphic Personification of an abstract concept.
* Ascended to A Higher Plane of Existence, when the form the character takes on in the "higher plane" is an abstract concept in the mundane world.
* Deity of Human Origin, if the character becomes the deity of an abstract concept, or if in becoming an abstract concept, they gain powers equivalent to a Physical God. This trope is different from God Job because the ascended character doesn't hold a cosmic office, but becomes a cosmic principle in itself. Sometimes this can mean that the character is no longer sentient by human standards. This trope is as Old As Mythology itself. Every religion/myth gives some form to a radical concept that cannot be described in simple words. As an example, Satan is often considered the embodiment of hate, despair, etc., after he fell from the heavens. The hate itself transformed him from angel of good into a devil of pure evil. Quite often invokes "I Am the Trope." Contrast Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds, Omnicidal Maniac, and Nietzsche Wannabe. Contrast or compare Pure Is Not Good and Made of Evil, the latter of which can overlap depending on the context. Examples